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Personal Development Courses: Arabic-Step I

Dr. Estiphan Panoussi, Professor Emeritus of Arabic from the University of Gothenberg, Sweden, will teach you to read, write, and speak classical Arabic and other Semitic languages (mainly Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac; Farsi and Pashtu, though written in Arabic alphabet, are not Semitic languages, but belong instead to the same Indo-European tree to which English, amongst others, belongs). You will learn the Arabic consonantal alphabet and its phonological value. After the above phonological approach, you will learn how to read and write Arabic from right to left, identifying which of the written letters are to be considered as either a consonant or a vowel. The course will also cover morphology, syntax, and readings of vocalized and non-vocalized Arabic texts.

Fee: $250

Material Fee: $40

Suggested texts to purchase:

  1. A New Arabic Grammer of the Written Language by: J A Haywood & H M Nahmad (London, Lund Humphries, 1965, Repr. 1990 and 2000) any available edition in
  2. Arabic in 10 Minutes a Day by: Kristine K. Kershul,

About the Instructor

Dr. Estiphan Panoussi, Professor Emeritus of Arabic from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden., has taught Arabic also in the German Universities of Giessen and Marburg (1964-1966), Western Berlin (1967-1973), and Eichstaett (1989-1992) before following an invitation from the University of Gothenberg, Sweden, to become in 1992 the Senior Lecturer of Arabic there where he had been teaching Arabic in all its levels including PhD until 2000). Dr. Panoussi is since 2002 an adjunct instructor of Philosophy with AVC.  Dr. Panoussi possesses an impressive and extensive knowledge of languages, 5 dead languages (Ancient Greek, Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, and Middle Aramaic (Syriac)), 5 Middle Eastern living languages (2 New-Aramaic dialects Caldean (Senaya) and  Assyrian, Kurdish, Farsi, and Arabic), and 5 European living languages (Italian, French, German, Swedish, English). He started learning Spanish here in California two years ago! Dr. Panoussi also collaborated with scholars, institutions and organizations worldwide, and continues to actively research morbid languages.

Instructor Dr. Panoussi:

Instructor Dr. Panoussi