Directory | Antelope Valley College
AVC Signage
Campus walkway with banners
Name Email Department/Title Phone Office
Abraham, Victor
Adjunct Faculty
victor.abraham@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2088Social & Behavioral Sciences
Aceves, Megan
Administrative Asst Sr
megan.aceves1@avc.eduStudent Equity(661) 722-6300 ext. 6789HUB 121
Adams, April
Adjunct Counselor
april.adams@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2898none
Adams, David
david.adams@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 6901T700-F3
Adams, Jeana
jeana.adams@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6934none
Adams, Stacey
stacey.adams@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6377MH 227
Adebayo-Ige, Morenike
morenike.adebayoige@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6812T300-I
Ades, Randy
Adjunct Faculty
randy.ades@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2080Math, Science and Engineering
Agahari, Rae
rae.agahari@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6005FA1-112
Aguirre, Dianna
Adjunct Counselor
dianna.aguirre@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2123Counseling Center
Ahad, Paul
paul.ahad@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6954UH 154
Ahmed, Yonis
Adjunct Faculty
yonis.ahmed@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2285Math, Science and Engineering
Al Salek, Sam
Adjunct Faculty
sam.alsalek@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2004Career Technical Education
Alam, Thameenah
Adjunct Faculty
thameenah.alam@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2991Arts & Humanities
Alanis Romualdo, Raul
Program Specialist Outreach
raul.alanisromualdo@avc.eduOutreach(661) 722-6300 ext. 6014Outreach
Alcala, Ruben
ruben.alcala@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6871none
Alvarado Frausto, Lorenzo
Grounds Maintenance Worker
lorenzo.alvaradofrau@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6085Facilities
Alvarado, Jose
Adjunct Faculty
jose.alvarado@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2160Career Technical Education
Alvarado, Roxanna
Financial Aid Tech I
roxanna.alvarado@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6212Financial Aid
Alvarenga, Sifrido
Adjunct Faculty
sifrido.alvarenga@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2955Health & Safety Science
Alvarez, Angelica
Director, Child Development Center
angelica.alvarez@avc.eduChild Development Center(661) 722-6502CDC 120
Alvarez, Asia
Clerical Assistant III
asia.alvarez@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6170Financial Aid
Alvarez, Richard
Adjunct Counselor
richard.alvarez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2902Counseling & Matriculation
Amezcua, Colleen
Adjunct Counselor
colleen.amezcua@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2646SSV 244
Amezquita, Servando
Adjunct Faculty
servando.amezquita@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext 2073Language & Communication Arts
Anderson, Christopher
Adjunct Faculty
christopher.anderson@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2546Arts and Humanities
Andrada, Amy
amy.andrada@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6038MH 221
Angelidis, Shannon
Adjunct Faculty
shannon.angelidis@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2468none
Angulo Rodriguez, Roberto
Adjunct Faculty
roberto.angulorodrig@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2588CTE
Ankeny, Todd
Adjunct Faculty
todd.ankeny@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2591CTE
Anousheh, Daniel
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
daniel.anousheh@avc.eduMens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2071Kinesiology & Athletics
Antwi, Evita
Adjunct Counselor
evita.antwi@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2084SSV 221
Anunta, Suda
Adjunct Faculty
suda.anunta@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2204Math, Science and Engineering
Anyia, Fidelia
Adjunct Faculty
fidelia.anyia@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2310none
Aparicio, Ashley
Adjunct Faculty
ashley.aparicio@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2448Math, Science and Engineering
Aprato, Gabriela
Adjunct Faculty
gabriela.aprato@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2293Language & Communication Arts
Arbabi Tehran, Sepehr
sepehr.arbabitehran@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6757none
Arce, Martin
Adjunct Faculty
martin.arce@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2531none
Arceneaux, Burton
Interim Director, Ent. App. Dta Protn
burton.arceneaux@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6455MH 302
Arellano, Yadira
yadira.arellano@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6827MH 210
Arlette, Arlette
Administrative Coordinator
arlette.arlette@avc.eduPalmdale Campus(661) 722-6300 ext. 6874PC 111
Armbruster, Ralph
Adjunct Faculty
ralph.armbruster@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2431none
Armstrong, Justin
Adjunct Faculty
justin.armstrong@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2374Arts and Humanities
Arora, Balbir
balbir.arora@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6761MH 218
Arquieta-Herrera, Linda
Adjunct Faculty
linda.arquietaherrer@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2221Social & Behavioral Sciences
Arroyo, Sergio
Adjunct Faculty
sergio.arroyo@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2144Language & Communication Arts
Asatryan, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.asatryan@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2534Math, Science and Engineering
Ascencio, Bianca
bianca.ascencio@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6732Language & Communication Arts
Asher, Julian
Clerical Asst III EOPS Non Ins
julian.asher@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6184SSV 221
Aslani-Vatan, Farrah
Adjunct Faculty
farrah.aslanivatan@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2514Language & Communication Arts
Astorga, Paloma
Program Specialist Outreach
paloma.astorga@avc.eduOutreach(661) 722-6300 ext. 6030Outreach Services
Atkerson, Timothy
Adjunct Faculty
timothy.atkerson@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2287Kinesiology & Athletics
Attwood, Deyanira
Adjunct Faculty
deyanira.attwood@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2614Career Technical Education
Austin, Cindy
Adjunct Faculty
cindy.austin@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2202Health & Safety Sciences
Avakian, Regina
Adjunct Faculty
regina.avakian@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2103Language & Communication Arts
Avalos, Teresa
Accounting Assistant II
teresa.avalos@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6813SSV Cashier Office
Avella, Vicente
Adjunct Faculty
vicente.avella@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2191Arts and Humanities
Aviles, Fredy
fredy.aviles@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6009MH 234
Ayala, Leonardo
Dean, Student Support Services
leonardo.ayala@avc.eduStudent Life(661) 722-6537none
Ayars, Jeffrey
Adjunct Faculty
jeffrey.ayars@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2272CTE
Azevedo, Amanda
Administrative Asst Sr
amanda.azevedo@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6261A122
Azimianaraki, Ryan
Clerical Assistant III
ryan.azimianaraki@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6853SSV 140
Babb, David
david.babb@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6395FA1-116
Bacchus, Jessica
Adjunct Faculty
jessica.bacchus@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2524Career Technical Education
Baden, Geri
Adjunct Faculty
geri.baden@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2544Social & Behavioral Sciences
Bagon, John
john.bagon@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6837T700-C1
Baker, Jeffrey
Adjunct Faculty
jeffrey.baker@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2672Arts and Humanities
Bakhit, Kathy
VP Academic Affairs
kathy.bakhit@avc.eduVP of Academic Affair(661) 722-6304A133
Balatayo, Gene
Adjunct Faculty
gene.balatayo@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2402Language & Communication Arts
Ballestero, Kathleen
Adjunct Faculty
kathleen.ballestero@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2718none
Baptiste, Jennifer
Adjunct Librarian
jennifer.baptiste@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 2945Library
Barber, Kimberly
Clerical Assistant III
kimberly.barber@avc.eduStudent Health Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6771none
Barcos, Carolina
Adjunct Faculty
carolina.barcos@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2346Arts and Humanities
Barker, Kimberly
kimberly.barker@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6211MH 236
Bautista, Richard
Custodian I
richard.bautista@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6933Custodial
Bayers, Denise
Graphic Artist
denise.bayers@avc.eduPublic Relations(661) 722-6300 ext. 6103MH 103
Beale, Dustin
Adjunct Faculty
dustin.beale@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2529Health & Safety Sciences
Becerra, Anna
Records Tech
anna.becerra@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6912Enrollment Services
Beck, Eric
Adjunct Faculty
eric.beck@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2197Health & Safety Sciences
Beheshti, Bahareh
Adjunct Counselor
bahareh.beheshti@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2019SSV 221
Bekele, Kifle
Adjunct Faculty
kifle.bekele@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2632CTE
Bell, Nathan
Adjunct Faculty
nathan.bell@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2630Math, Science and Engineering
Bellavia, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.bellavia@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2633Math, Science and Engineering
Benedetti, Ronald
Director, Capital Projects
ronald.benedetti@avc.eduPlanning & Coord:Facilities(661) 722-6552FS 109
Bennett, Marisol
Food Service Asst II
marisol.bennett@avc.eduCafeteria Food Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6742Cafeteria
Bentley, Jillian
Adjunct Faculty & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2953Arts & Humanities
Berger, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.berger@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2960Career Technical Education
Bermea Jr., David
Laboratory Tech,Physical Sci
david.bermeajr@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6274UH 243A
Berry, Pakawan
Adjunct Faculty
pakawan.berry@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2992Math, Science and Engineering
Berube, Melissa
melissa.berube@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6823Math, Science and Engineering
Bessinger, Kaitlin
kaitlin.bessinger@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6010UH 266
Betancourt, Ray
Job Placement Spclst
ray.betancourt@avc.eduJob Placement Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6917SSV 171
Bettencourt, Laura
Adjunct Faculty
laura.bettencourt@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2415none
Betty, Nicholas
Adjunct Faculty
nicholas.betty@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2512Social & Behavioral Sciences
Biehl, Jessica
Adjunct Faculty
jessica.biehl@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2593Health & Safety Sciences
Bilbao, Berta
Adjunct Faculty
berta.bilbao@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2673Language & Communication Arts
Birch, Jared
Adjunct Faculty
jared.birch@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2091Social & Behavioral Sciences
Biritwum, Richard
richard.biritwum@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6783T300S
Black, Sean
Adjunct Faculty & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2034none
Blanco Jr, Jose
Clerical Assistant III
jose.blancojr@avc.eduPalmdale Campus(661) 722-6300 ext. 6207PC-SSV
Bohn, Richard
Adjunct Faculty
richard.bohn@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2299Career Technical Education
Bojorquez, Yuridia
Adjunct Counselor
yuridia.bojorquez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2162Counseling
Bormann, Gregory
Dean, Aero, Industrial Arts & Applied Techs.
gregory.bormann@avc.eduAeroSp,IND Arts & Applied Tech.Dean(661) 722-6404EL 128
Bossier, Paularita
Adjunct Faculty
paularita.bossier@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2384Health & Safety Sciences
Bowen, Jason
jason.bowen@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6963UH 260
Bowen, Jimmie
jimmie.bowen@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 6173MH 237
Bowers, Jane
jane.bowers@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6947UH 150
Boyd, Maurice
maurice.boyd@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6728YH 121D
Brar, Shami
VP Administrative Services
shami.brar@avc.eduVice President, Administrative Serv(661) 722-6302A123
Braverman, Lori
Payroll Specialist
lori.braverman@avc.eduPayroll(661) 722-6300 ext. 6842A113
Bravo, Vincent
Custodian I
vincent.bravo@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6796Custodial
Bretz, Jeffrey
Adjunct Faculty
jeffrey.bretz@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2090Arts and Humanities
Briggs III, Walter
walter.briggsiii@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6021SSV 210
Broaden Jr., Ernest
Plumber - Lead
ernest.broadenjr@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6515FS 141
Brogan, Kelly
Coord Evaluations
kelly.brogan@avc.eduStudent Programs & Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6718SSV 105
Broughton, Chris
Adjunct Faculty
chris.broughton@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2511Arts and Humanities
Brown, Andrea
EOP&S Technician II
andrea.brown@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6740HUB 122
Brown, Linda
Adjunct Faculty
linda.brown@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2268Social & Behavioral Sciences
Brown, Qiana
Adjunct Counselor
qiana.brown@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2327SSV 248
Brown, Rosalind
Director Educational,Dual Enrollment & OR
rosalind.brown@avc.eduArts & Humanities(661) 722-6527SSV 103
Brown, Steven
Adjunct Faculty
steven.brown@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2238Math, Science and Engineering
Brown, Tyrone
Grounds Irrigation Technician
tyrone.brown@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6255Grounds
Brown-Elize, Rashitta
Dean Counseling & Matric
rashitta.brownelize@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6314SSV 222
Browne, Patti
Adjunct Faculty
patti.browne@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2436none
Browne, Robert
Adjunct Faculty
robert.browne@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2052Career Technical Education
Brownlow, James
Adjunct Faculty
james.brownlow@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2492Math, Science and Engineering
Brubaker Jr, Alfred
alfred.brubakerjr@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6098EL 137
Brubaker, Carolyn
carolyn.brubaker@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6772EL-140
Brydon, Erin
Adjunct Faculty
erin.brydon@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2020none
Brynin, Rona
rona.brynin@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6001UH 142
Bullins, Will
Adjunct Faculty
will.bullins@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2426none
Burbano-Jeffrey, Christina
Adjunct Faculty
christina.burbanojef@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2245Arts & Humanities
Burd, Aurora
aurora.burd@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6896UH 256
Burgess, Rhonda
Project Supervisor, Training & Professional Dev
rhonda.burgess@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6446A126
Burgos, Reina
reina.burgos@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6739SSV 266
Burke, Chaz
chaz.burke@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6177UH 114
Burkholder, Sherri
Human Resources Tech
sherri.burkholder@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6178A109
Burnett, Kathleen
Adjunct Faculty
kathleen.burnett@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2918Arts and Humanities
Burns, Sarah
Adjunct Faculty
sarah.burns@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2167Social & Behavioral Sciences
Burries, Stephen
Adjunct Faculty
stephen.burries@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2946Language & Communication Arts
Butler, Deanna
Adjunct Faculty
deanna.butler@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2331T700-B2
Butler, Meagan
Adjunct Faculty
meagan.butler@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2427Kinesiology & Athletics
Butterworth, Patricia
patricia.butterworth@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6780T300 T
Butzke, David
Adjunct Faculty
david.butzke@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2351Math, Science and Engineering
Byrne, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.byrne@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2372Math, Science and Engineering
Cabrera, Paola
paola.cabrera@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6086none
Cadavieco, Nicolas
Adjunct Faculty
nicolas.cadavieco@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2003Career Technical Education
Candelaria, Christina
Adjunct Counselor
christina.candelaria@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2639Counseling
Canilang, Baltazar
Custodian I
baltazar.canilang@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6294Custodial
Carbajal Perez, Irene
Director Educational CalWORKs/STAR
irene.carbajalperez@avc.eduStudent Programs & Services(661) 722-6508SSV 260
Cardoniga, Argel
Adjunct Faculty
argel.cardoniga@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2063Social & Behavioral Sciences
Carey, Fanny
Custodian I
fanny.carey@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6107Custodial
Carey, Michael
michael.carey@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6998Career Technical Education
Carlson, Bill
Mgr Instr & Support
bill.carlson@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6585MH 303
Carrasco Nungaray, Marian
Adjunct Faculty
marian.carrasconunga@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2526none
Carreon, Ms. Monica
Education Advisor
msmonica.carreon@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6036EL 134
Carter, Paige
Project Supervisor, Student Svcs
paige.carter@avc.eduStudent Food and Housing Support(661) 722-6300 ext. 6281Student Life & Services
Cartwright, Jackie
Financial Aid Tech II
jackie.cartwright@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6752Financial Aid
Carver, Derek
Adjunct Faculty
derek.carver@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2458Social & Behavioral Sciences
Case, Matt
Adjunct Faculty & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2470Social & Behavioral Sciences
Castillejo, Ramon
Director Student Development
ramon.castillejo@avc.eduStudent Life(661) 722-6334SSV 243
Castillejo, Tiffany
Adjunct Counselor
tiffany.castillejo@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6979661-722-6300 ext. 6979
Castillo, Kimberly
Adjunct Counselor
kimberly.castillo@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2573HUB 109
Castro, Sylvia
Payroll Specialist
sylvia.castro@avc.eduPayroll(661) 722-6300 ext. 6734A114
Catley, Towana
towana.catley@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6873SSV 101
Caton, Rich
Web Developer
rich.caton@avc.eduPublic Relations(661) 722-6574MH 103
Cely, Ingrid
Adjunct Faculty
ingrid.cely@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2093none
Cerano, Mike
Computer Services Technician
mike.cerano@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6083Information Technology Services
Chambers, Marrieund
Payroll Technician
marrieund.chambers@avc.eduPayroll(661) 722-6300 ext. 6745A114
Chamorro, Evelyn
Adjunct Faculty
evelyn.chamorro@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2571none
Champieux, David
Instructional Asst-AERO/CTE
david.champieux@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6052Fox Field
Chapman, Richard
Adjunct Faculty
richard.chapman@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2438Career Technical Education
Charara, Zahraa
Adjunct Counselor
zahraa.charara@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2537Counseling Center
Chase, Michael
Adjunct Faculty & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2189Social & Behavioral Science
Chauca, Fiorella
Adjunct Faculty
fiorella.chauca@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2938Language & Communication Arts
Chavez, Ashley
Coordinator, Veteran's Prgms
ashley.chavez@avc.eduStudent Programs & Services(661) 722-6511SSV 173
Chavez, Melissa
Administrative Asst.-Instr.
melissa.chavez@avc.eduArts & Humanities(661) 722-6300 ext. 6880SH 206
Cheewawisuttichai, Thamrongsak
thamrongsak.cheewawi@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6726T700-F2
Chereshkoff, Christy
Clerical Assistant III
christy.chereshkoff@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6249Enrollment Services SSV Lobby
Chetner, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.chetner@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2394Career Technical Education
Christensen, Chris
Adjunct Faculty
chris.christensen@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2453Career Technical Education
Christie, Wendy
Adjunct Faculty
wendy.christie@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2936Language & Communication Arts
Christopher, Violet
Adjunct Faculty
violet.christopher@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2965Social & Behavioral Sciences
Chung, David
Supv Custodial Svcs
david.chung@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6248Maintenance & Operations
Cincis, Craig
Adjunct Counselor
craig.cincis@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2248Counseling Center
Clark, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.clark@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2151Career Technical Education
Clark-Hackenberg, Debby
Director of Payroll
debby.clarkhackenber@avc.eduPayroll(661) 722-6300 ext. 6825A112
Clifford, Etawnya
Adjunct Faculty
etawnya.clifford@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2120Social & Behavioral Sciences
Climo, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.climo@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2652Language & Communication Arts
Clinton, Elaine
elaine.clinton@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6817El 138
Clinton-Houck, Maria
maria.clintonhouck@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6577EL 138
Cockrell, Tameiko
Adjunct Counselor
tameiko.cockrell@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2229Counseling Center
Cohen, Jeffrey
Adjunct Faculty
jeffrey.cohen@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2899none
Coker, Abosede
Adjunct Faculty
abosede.coker@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2062Health & Safety Sciences
Coleman, Ellen
Adjunct Faculty
ellen.coleman@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2125Social & Behavioral Sciences
Coleman, Lena
lena.coleman@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6095UH 158
Coleman, Ronald
Adjunct Faculty
ronald.coleman@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2466Career Technical Education
Collins, Bryan
Computer Services Technician
bryan.collins@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6913YH 203 A
Collins, Glenn
Lab Technician Biological
glenn.collins@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6272UH 161C
Colosimo, Kyle
Custodian I
kyle.colosimo@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6123Custodial
Como, Keisha
Adjunct Counselor
keisha.como@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2208Student Life and Services
Compton, G. Suzanne
Adjunct Faculty
gsuzanne.compton@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2602none
Compton, Jonathan
jonathan.compton@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6809UH 238
Cone, Keith
Adjunct Faculty
keith.cone@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2242Career Technical Education
Conner, Daniel
Interim Executive Director ITS
daniel.conner@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6689MH 306
Conroy, Lauren
lauren.conroy@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6139UH 130
Contreras, Jaime
Lab Technician Biological
jaime.contreras@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6944UH 161A
Cook, Bridget
General Counsel
bridget.cook@avc.eduLegal Counsel(661) 722-6650A136
Cook, Emoni
emoni.cook@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6273Math
Cooper, Jeffery
jeffery.cooper@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6953UH 242
Cooper, John
Grounds Mtce Worker
john.cooper@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6234Grounds
Cooper, Teresa
Coordinator, Warehouse & Inventory
teresa.cooper@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6270Warehouse
Copeland, Brett
Supervisor, PA & Technical Director
brett.copeland@avc.eduTheatre Productions(661) 722-6300 ext. 6782none
Corado, Mario
Adjunct Faculty
mario.corado@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2022Career Technical Education
Corbitt, Shannon
Adjunct Faculty
shannon.corbitt@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2478Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Cordova Jr, Robert
System Administrator
robert.cordovajr@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6676MH 317
Corona, Carla
carla.corona@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6836FA2 - 127
Corona, Marisela
Calworks Tech I
marisela.corona@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6262SSV 241
Correa, Kim
Administrative Asst Sr
kim.correa@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6120A109
Cortes, Sammy
Adjunct Faculty
sammy.cortes@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2495Language & Communication Arts
Cota, Yesenia
yesenia.cota@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6748UH 220
Counts, Leslie
Adjunct Faculty
leslie.counts@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2539none
Covell, Kimberly
Programmer Analyst
kimberly.covell@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6462MH 314
Coy, Brandin
Adjunct Faculty
brandin.coy@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2509none
Cranley, Sean
Adjunct Faculty
sean.cranley@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2205Social & Behavioral Sciences
Crocker Jr., Dr. John Crocker
Adjunct Faculty
drjohncrocker.crocke@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2304Arts and Humanities
Crossette-Thambiah, Grace
Adjunct Faculty
grace.crossettethamb@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2361none
Cruz, Christopher
Skilled Mtce Worker
christopher.cruz@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6841Maintenance
Cruz, Mark
mark.cruz@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6444OF2 113
Cruzalegui, Andres
Adjunct Counselor
andres.cruzalegui@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2075Counseling Center
Dale, Larry
Adjunct Faculty
larry.dale@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2230Math, Science and Engineering
Darby, Mayke
Academic Affairs Specialist
mayke.darby@avc.eduVP of Academic Affair(661) 722-6300 ext. 6835A139
Das, Nandita
Adjunct Faculty
nandita.das@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2018Language & Communication Arts
Davidson, Anita
Early Childhd Instr Spec-Instr
anita.davidson@avc.eduChild Development Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6832CDC 102
Davis, Elayne
Clerical Assistant III
elayne.davis@avc.eduPalmdale Campus(661) 722-6300 ext. 6786Palmdale Center - PC 105
Davis, Mariah
Clerical Asst III-Human Resources
mariah.davis@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6045A 110
De Jesus, Wil
Adjunct Faculty
wil.dejesus@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2419none
De La Torre, Amanda
Adjunct Faculty
amanda.delatorre@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2006Career Technical Education
Dedrick, Denise
Adjunct Faculty
denise.dedrick@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2519Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Demorgoli, Ali
Adjunct Faculty
ali.demorgoli@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2601none
Deplazes, Svetlana
Interim Dean, IERP & Library
svetlana.deplazes@avc.eduInstitutional Rsrch & Planning(661) 722-6617L 107
Desch, Robert
robert.desch@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6983YH 121E
Devera, Frank
Adjunct Faculty
frank.devera@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2140Social & Behavioral Sciences
Devers, Byron
Supervisor, Sports Information
byron.devers@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics(661) 722-6300 ext. 6104OF2
Diaz, Anthony
Instructional Assistant Welding
anthony.diaz@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6134CTE
Diaz, Roberto
roberto.diaz@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6421UH 122
Dickinson, Debra
debra.dickinson@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6406UH 222
Dillon, Nate
Dean Soc Beh Sciences / CFE
nate.dillon@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences(661) 722-6362MH 204
Dixon, Frank
Adjunct Faculty
frank.dixon@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2081Arts and Humanities
Doan, Diana
Adjunct Faculty
diana.doan@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2638Math, Science and Engineering
Domerchie, Eileen
Adjunct Faculty
eileen.domerchie@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2412none
Donaldson, Sarah
Adjunct Faculty
sarah.donaldson@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2161Arts and Humanities
Donn, Amaka
Adjunct Faculty
amaka.donn@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2397Social & Behavioral Sciences
Dorn, James
james.dorn@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6811UH 254
Doss, Kendra
Financial Aid Tech II
kendra.doss@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6750Financial Aid
Dover, Jah G
Adjunct Faculty
jahg.dover@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2649Language & Communication Arts
Doyle, Amanda
Adjunct Faculty
amanda.doyle@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2291Health & Safety Sciences
Duarte, Naiby
Financial Aid Tech I
naiby.duarte@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6768SSV - Financial Aid Office
Duckett III, Norris
norris.duckettiii@avc.eduArts & Humanities(661) 722-6300 ext. 6154YH 221H
Dumas, Wendy
Director, Budget. Reporting & Compliance
wendy.dumas@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6997A153
Dunham, Ryan
Adjunct Head
ryan.dunham@avc.eduMens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2464none
Dunlap, Bryan
bryan.dunlap@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6974Maintenance
Duong, Desiree
Adjunct Faculty
desiree.duong@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2406none
Duszynski, Darryl
darryl.duszynski@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6945Maintenance
Duvall, Carisha
Financial Aid Tech II
carisha.duvall@avc.eduStud Financial Aid Assist-Bfap(661) 722-6300 ext. 6295Financial Aid
Dyke, Richard
Adjunct Faculty
richard.dyke@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2373Social & Behavioral Sciences
Eason, Juan
Financial Aid Spclst
juan.eason@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6232Financial Aid
Eaton, Jessica
jessica.eaton@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6345SSV 216
Ebersbacher, Mark
Driver Class A
mark.ebersbacher@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6781Campus Events
Edmondson, Latara
Adminstrative Asst
latara.edmondson@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6941Enrollment Services
El-Issa, Anwar
Adjunct Faculty
anwar.elissa@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2139Language & Communication Arts
Elan Helsper, Lauren
VP Human Res Emp Relns
lauren.elanhelsper@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6311A106
Elias, Eric
Adjunct Faculty
eric.elias@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2313Language & Communication Arts
Elliott, Jan
Clerical Assistant III
jan.elliott@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6016Facilities
Enriquez, Luis
luis.enriquez@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6244UH 118
Escobar, Liliana
Adjunct Faculty
liliana.escobar@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2439none
Escobedo, Raul
Adjunct Faculty
raul.escobedo@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2483Career Technical Education
Esdin, Joseph
joseph.esdin@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6075UH 136
Espinoza-Schrock, Maria
maria.espinozaschroc@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6999MH-215
Esquivel, Monica
Adjunct Faculty
monica.esquivel@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2355Language & Communication Arts
Estrada, Tizoc
Adjunct Faculty
tizoc.estrada@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2012Arts and Humanities
Etherington, Tim
Adjunct Faculty
tim.etherington@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2606Social & Behavioral Sciences
Evans, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.evans@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2441Math, Science and Engineering
Farley, Rebecca
Vice President, Equity and Student Achievement
rebecca.farley@avc.eduVP Equity & Student Achievement(661) 722-6636none
Farmer Jr., David
Adjunct Faculty
david.farmerjr@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2592CTE
Farrukh, Sawsan
Adjunct Faculty
sawsan.farrukh@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2295Language & Communication Arts
Feickert, Debra
Adjunct Faculty
debra.feickert@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2576Math, Science and Engineering
Feldman, Joshua
Tutoring Spclst Non-Instruct
joshua.feldman@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6288HUB 123
Ferebee, Julie
Adjunct Faculty
julie.ferebee@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2270Social & Behavioral Sciences
Fernandez, Sheri
Accountant Technician Senior
sheri.fernandez@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6904A 154
Fetters Jr., George
Adjunct Faculty
george.fettersjr@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2720Kinesiology & Athletics
Fewtrell, Elizabeth
Adjunct Faculty
elizabeth.fewtrell@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2542Arts and Humanities
Fields, Stephanie
Adjunct Faculty
stephanie.fields@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2443Child Development Center
Firth, Jim
Human Resources Tech
jim.firth@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6101A104
Fisher, Janis
Adjunct Faculty
janis.fisher@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2518Language & Communication Arts
Fiske, Rebecca
Early Childhd Instr Spec-Instr
rebecca.fiske@avc.eduChild Development Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6834CDC 106
Flores, Irma
Adjunct Counselor
irma.flores@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2502Counseling Center
Flores, Noe
Director, Facs Plng & Loggs
noe.flores@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6396Facilities
Ford, Pamela
Coord Programs Calworks(661) 722-6300 ext. 6266SSV 247
Fountain, Kelly
Adjunct Faculty
kelly.fountain@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2307Social & Behavioral Sciences
Fowler, Amber
Adjunct Faculty
amber.fowler@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2508none
Fowler, Monette
Adjunct Faculty
monette.fowler@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2207Math, Science and Engineering
Fox, Bruce
Adjunct Faculty & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2408none
Frankle, Jack
Adjunct Faculty
jack.frankle@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2157EL Bldg.
Franklin, Stephanie
Adjunct Faculty
stephanie.franklin@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2146Language & Communication Arts
Franklin-Martinez, Windy
Interim Dean, Enrollment Services
windy.franklinmartin@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6457none
Fregozo, Ernest
Grounds Mtce Worker
ernest.fregozo@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6943Grounds
Freitas, Denilson
Lab Technician Physical Scienc
denilson.freitas@avc.eduMath/Science/Engineering(661) 722-6300 ext. 6157UH 267A
Frykenberg, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.frykenberg@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2068Social & Behavioral Sciences
Fuentes, Francisco
francisco.fuentes@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6764MH 226
Fuentes, Walter
Accounting Assistant II, Student Life & Svcs
walter.fuentes@avc.eduStudent Life(661) 722-6300 ext. 6193HUB
Fuller, Rosa
rosa.fuller@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6290SSV 214
Galindo, Christian
Adjunct Faculty
christian.galindo@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2520Career Technical Education
Gallego, Nathan
Administrative Assistant
nathan.gallego@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6790MH 304
Galvan, Arlene
Adjunct Faculty
arlene.galvan@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2319none
Ganley, Ibrahim
ibrahim.ganley@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6172MH 224
Garcia, Alexia
Clerical Assistant II
alexia.garcia@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6735PC-SSV
Garcia, Crystal
Program Spclst Stu Equity
crystal.garcia@avc.eduStudent Equity(661) 722-6300 ext. 6844SSV 187
Garcia, Daniel
Technical Analyst
daniel.garcia1@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6801Financial Aid
Garcia, Rastaman
Custodian I
rastaman.garcia@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6707Facilities Custodial
Garcia, Samantha Jessica
Adjunct Faculty
samanthajessica.garc@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2294none
Garcia, Tanya
Technical Analyst
tanya.garcia@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6115SSV 105
Gass, Zachary
Adjunct Faculty
zachary.gass@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2485Social & Behavioral Sciences
Gayeta, Analiza
Accounting Technician
analiza.gayeta@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6117A154
Geysimonian, Grikor
Adjunct Faculty
grikor.geysimonian@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2194Social & Behavioral Sciences
Ghiassi, Kamran
Adjunct Faculty
kamran.ghiassi@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2345Math, Science & Engineering
Giesel, Aaron
Adjunct Faculty
aaron.giesel@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2308Arts and Humanities
Gilman, Mark
mark.gilman@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6012DL 139
Gilroy, Lori
lori.gilroy@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6879DL 141
Ginosian, Dezdemona
dezdemona.ginosian@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6971UH 124
Giorgi, Carina
carina.giorgi@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6297MH 209
Giron, Javier
Grounds Mtce Worker /Landscaper
javier.giron@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6803Facilities
Gleason, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.gleason@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2302Career Technical Education
Godinez, Araseli
Accounting Technician
araseli.godinez@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6201A154
Godinez, Emmanuel
emmanuel.godinez@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6915none
Goff, Una
Senior Accountant
una.goff@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6158A152
Goldberg, Siobhan
Adjunct Faculty
siobhan.goldberg@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2132Social & Behavioral Sciences
Goldstein, Stanley
Adjunct Faculty
stanley.goldstein@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2959Career Technical Education
Golonsky, Matthew
Adjunct Faculty
matthew.golonsky@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2170Career Technical Education
Gomez, Jacqueline
Coordinator Facilities Planning
jacqueline.gomez@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6767none
Gomez, Vanessa
Adjunct Faculty
vanessa.gomez@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2497Health & Safety Sciences
Gonzales, Cheryl
Adminstrative Asst
cheryl.gonzales@avc.eduCalworks(661) 722-6300 ext. 6925SSV 241
Gonzales, Martin John
Adjunct Faculty
martinjohn.gonzales@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2580Health & Safety Sciences
Gonzales, Tara
Adjunct Faculty
tara.gonzales@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2054Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Gonzalez, Amina
amina.gonzalez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6975SSV 226
Gonzalez, Angelica
Adjunct Faculty
angelica.gonzalez@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2403none
Gonzalez, Angie
Education Advisor
angie.gonzalez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6298PC 122
Gonzalez, Christopher
Adjunct Faculty
christopher.gonzalez@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2269CTE
Gonzalez, James
Adjunct Faculty
james.gonzalez@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2461Career Technical Education
Gooden, Cierra
Adjunct Faculty
cierra.gooden@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2354none
Gordi, Tooraj
tooraj.gordi@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6019UH 110
Gordon, Charles
charles.gordon@avc.eduWomens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 6257Kinesiology & Athletics
Gordon, Russell
Adjunct Head
russell.gordon@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics(661) 722-6300 ext. 6256GYM 116
Goulet, Christine
Adjunct Faculty
christine.goulet@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2077Social & Behavioral Sciences
Graham, Hauk
Adjunct Faculty
hauk.graham@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2219none
Graham, Meredith
Adjunct Faculty
meredith.graham@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2425Health & Safety Sciences
Gratton, Claude
claude.gratton@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6488T300-K
Graves, Tom
tom.graves@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6042YH 221C
Greely, Nathaniel
Adjunct Faculty
nathaniel.greely@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2391none
Green, Christian
Adjunct Faculty & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2574none
Green, James
Faculty & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6305OF2 111
Greenleaf, Tristan
Adjunct Faculty
tristan.greenleaf@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2050none
Gregg, Gary
Adjunct Faculty
gary.gregg@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2105Arts and Humanities
Groth, Maria
Lab Technician Chemistry
maria.groth@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6703UH 229A
Groveman, Aharon
aharon.groveman@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6243UH-208
Guardado, Catherine
Clerical Assistant III
catherine.guardado@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6226Facilities
Guardado, Rochelle
Adjunct Faculty
rochelle.guardado@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2548Arts and Humanities
Gudino, Maria
Clerical Assistant III
maria.gudino@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6192SSV 221
Guerra, Yalil
Adjunct Faculty
yalil.guerra@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2575Arts and Humanities
Guerrero, Gabriela
Accounting Technician Senior
gabriela.guerrero@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6020none
Guilak, Nicholas
Adjunct Faculty
nicholas.guilak@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2275Arts and Humanities
Guillermo, Rodolfo
Custodian I
rodolfo.guillermo@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6078Custodial
Gunderson, Lukas
Adjunct Faculty
lukas.gunderson@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2447Social & Behavioral Sciences
Gutierrez, Jefte
Campus Events Worker
jefte.gutierrez@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6125Facilities
Gutierrez, Sabrina
Adjunct Faculty
sabrina.gutierrez@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2599Social & Behavioral Sciences
Guzman, Alejandro
Exec Director- Mktg & Pub Info
alejandro.guzman@avc.eduPublic Relations(661) 722-6696A142
Guzman, Marvin
Auto Equipment Mechanic Lead
marvin.guzman@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6911Facilities
Halcrow, Ronald
Adjunct Faculty
ronald.halcrow@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2480Social & Behavioral Sciences
Hale, Makeba
Adjunct Counselor
makeba.hale@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2032Counseling Center
Haley, Sheree
Adjunct Faculty
sheree.haley@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2577Arts and Humanities
Hall, Cherice
Tutoring Spclst
cherice.hall@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6159SH 101A
Hallak, Nouha
nouha.hallak@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6955Social & Behavioral Sciences
Halliday, Jack
jack.halliday1@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6736Fox Field
Halliday, Jack
jack.halliday@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6289EL 133
Hanstad, Sherilyn
Custodian I
sherilyn.hanstad@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6119Custodial
Hao, Richie Neil
richieneil.hao@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6788YH 121G
Haralson, Zachary
Adjunct Faculty
zachary.haralson@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2505Math, Science and Engineering
Harano, Sarah
sarah.harano@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6821SH 111
Harjes, Kathleen
Adjunct Faculty
kathleen.harjes@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2667Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Harper, Jessica
jessica.harper@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6434UH 240
Harrington, Mardel
Adjunct Faculty
mardel.harrington@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2952Social & Behavioral Sciences
Harris, Danielle
Athletic Equip Asst-Instr
danielle.harris@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 6166Kinesiology & Athletics
Harris, Mike
Supv Campus Events & Operns
mike.harris@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6088Warehouse
Harrison, David
Adjunct Faculty
david.harrison@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2031Social & Behavioral Sciences
Hart, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.hart@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2231Language & Communication Arts
Hartness, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
thomas.hartness@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2264none
Hawkins, Ashley
Director, Learning Center
ashley.hawkins@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6453SH 109
Haynes, Taylor
Human Resources Tech
taylor.haynes@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6795SH 206
Hazard, Brad
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
brad.hazard@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2428Kinesiology & Athletics
Healey, Caleb
caleb.healey@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6002EL 139
Heasley, Rocio
Project Supervisor
rocio.heasley@avc.eduAeroSp,IND Arts & Applied Tech.Dean(661) 722-6300 ext. 6882EL 136
Heaton-Smith, Gary
gary.heatonsmith@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6223FA3 160
Heininger, Jesse
HVAC Facility System Lead
jesse.heininger@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6691none
Hemker, Fritz
fritz.hemker@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6051T700-A2
Henry, Rhasheda
Adjunct Faculty
rhasheda.henry@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2261Social & Behavioral Sciences
Herbeck, Tina
Adjunct Faculty
tina.herbeck@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2522Arts and Humanities
Hernandez III, Uriel
Grounds Mtce Worker
uriel.hernandeziii@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6784Grounds
Hernandez Jr., Isaias
Adjunct Faculty
isaias.hernandezjr@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2446Language & Communication Arts
Hernandez Jr., Richard
Adjunct Faculty
richard.hernandezjr@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2244Arts and Humanities
Hernandez, Carlos
carlos.hernandez@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6431UH 258
Hernandez, Isai
Clerical Assistant II
isai.hernandez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6924none
Hernandez, Rosa
Campus Telephone Operator
rosa.hernandez@avc.eduPublic Relations(661) 722-6300 ext. 6032A101
Hicks, Golden
Program Spclst Stu Equity
golden.hicks@avc.eduStudent Equity(661) 722-6300 ext. 6787HUB 115
Hidalgo, Manuel
Adjunct Faculty
manuel.hidalgo@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2337Math, Science and Engineering
Hightower, Richelle
Learning Center Specialist
richelle.hightower@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6004SH 101
Hinesley, Ann
Telecom Systems Specialist
ann.hinesley@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6672MH 328
Hinton, Amy
Adjunct Faculty
amy.hinton@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2100none
Hissong, Steven
Adjunct Faculty
steven.hissong@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2106Health & Safety Sciences
Hodge, Lance
lance.hodge@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6626UH 206
Hoffer, Mark
mark.hoffer@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6755T700-A1
Hogan, Barbara
Adjunct Faculty
barbara.hogan@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2389none
Holmes, Douglas
Adjunct Faculty
douglas.holmes@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2530Math, Science and Engineering
Holter, Caradawn
Adjunct Faculty
caradawn.holter@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2273Language & Communication Arts
Hong, Nathasha
Adjunct Counselor
nathasha.hong@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6819Counseling Center
Hootman, Christian
Interim Director, Benefits & Risk Management
christian.hootman@avc.eduRisk Management(661) 722-6555none
Hrowal, Heidi
Adjunct Faculty
heidi.hrowal@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2616Social & Behavioral Sciences
Hudson Jr, Leon
Adjunct Faculty
leon.hudsonjr@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2382none
Hudson, Gloria
Adjunct Faculty
gloria.hudson@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2613none
Hudson, Scott
Warehouse Assistant 100%
scott.hudson@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6804Warehouse
Huerta, Thannia
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
thannia.huerta@avc.eduMens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2110Kinesiology & Athletics
Huff, Micheal
Adjunct Faculty
micheal.huff@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2143Social & Behavioral Sciences
Hughes, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2375Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Hughes, Shane
Payroll Specialist 722-6300 ext. 6247A111
Humphrey, Cali
Cashier 50%
cali.humphrey@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6777none
Humphrey, Daniel
daniel.humphrey@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6774MH 229
Hunnicutt, Kiona
Adjunct Faculty
kiona.hunnicutt@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext 2107Career Technical Education
Huntsman, Hal
hal.huntsman@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6213T700-B6
Hurd, Paul
Adjunct Faculty
paul.hurd@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2383Math, Science and Engineering
Huynh, Dang
dang.huynh@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6284Math, Science and Engineering
Iancului, Danielle
Adjunct Faculty
danielle.iancului@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2442Language & Communication Arts
Iarusso, Tara
Adjunct Faculty
tara.iarusso@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2262Arts & Humanities
Ibarrola, Stephanie
Human Resources Assistant
stephanie.ibarrola@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6895none
Ibrahim, Kristal
kristal.ibrahim@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6737SSV 221
Ingram, Carla
Clerical Assistant III
carla.ingram@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 Ext. 6142SSV 221
Ingrassi, Joe
Skilled Mtce Worker Lead
joe.ingrassi@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6973Maintenance
Issa, Samer
Adjunct Faculty
samer.issa@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2049Social & Behavioral Sciences
Jackson, Dietra
dietra.jackson@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6347SSV 268
Jackson, Gina
Adjunct Head
gina.jackson@avc.eduWomens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2481none
Jackson, Malika
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
malika.jackson@avc.eduWomens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2002Kinesiology & Athletics
Jacobs, Mary
mary.jacobs@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6246UH 202
Jacobsen, Kyle
Academic Affairs Specialist
kyle.jacobsen@avc.eduVP of Academic Affair(661) 722-6300 ext. 6216A139
Jacobson, Jenna
Lab Technician-Instructional
jenna.jacobson@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6059TE3 104
Jaffe, Matthew
matthew.jaffe@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6487MH 223
Jang, Jinyoung
Adjunct Faculty
jinyoung.jang@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2363Arts and Humanities
Janiszewski, Karen
Budget Analyst
karen.janiszewski@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6852A152
Jannuzzi, Anthony
Adjunct Faculty
anthony.jannuzzi@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2429none
Jaworowski, Steven
Adjunct Faculty
steven.jaworowski@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2435Social & Behavioral Sciences
Jefferson, Kimberly
Adjunct Faculty
kimberly.jefferson@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2984Language & Communication Arts
Jehlicka, Perry
perry.jehlicka@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6387Gym 116
Jennings Tafarella, Rachel
rachel.jenningstafar@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6540T700-A7
Jennings, Vejea
vejea.jennings@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6710HUB 112
John, Samuel
Adjunct Faculty
samuel.john@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2190Social & Behavioral Sciences
Johnson, Blake
Adjunct Faculty
blake.johnson@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2424Social & Behavioral Sciences
Johnson, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.johnson@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2671none
Johnson, Markell
NextUp Program Specialist EOPS
markell.johnson@avc.eduNextUp(661) 722-6300 ext. 6937none
Johnson, Seth
Adjunct Faculty
seth.johnson@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2180Social & Behavioral Sciences
Johnson, Spencer
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
spencer.johnson@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2366Gym 114
Jones, Antonio
Custodian Lead
antonio.jones@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6976Custodial
Jones, Jamie
Director, MESA Program
jamie.jones@avc.eduMath/Science/Engineering(661) 722-6300 ext. 6992UH 282
Jones, Kerri
Adjunct Faculty
kerri.jones@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2203Social & Behavioral Sciences
Jones, Norma
norma.jones@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6229T300-N
Jones-Ukagba, LaShonda
Clerical Assistant II - Bond
lashonda.jonesukagba@avc.eduPlanning & Coord:Facilities(661) 722-6300 ext. 6070Facilities
Jordan, Ernestine
Financial Aid Tech II
ernestine.jordan@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6762Financial Aid
Jordan, Jaimie
Technical Analyst IT
jaimie.jordan@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6744MH 317
Jordan, Robin
robin.jordan@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6122UH 228
Jorris, Kristen
Adjunct Faculty
kristen.jorris@avc.eduAcademic Development(661) 722-6300 ext. 2067SSV 221
Judd, Jennymarie
Adjunct Faculty
jennymarie.judd@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2493SSV 221
Juracek, Mary
Locksmith Lead
mary.juracek@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6285Maintainance
Kalnas, Ted
Adjunct Faculty
ted.kalnas@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2961Health & Safety Sciences
Karnstedt, Patricia
Adjunct Faculty
patricia.karnstedt@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2523Health & Safety Sciences
Karr, Veronica
Adjunct Faculty
veronica.karr@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2498Language & Communication Arts
Kaseforth, Nari
nari.kaseforth@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6087YH 121F
Kaser, Jeffrey
Adjunct Faculty
jeffrey.kaser@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2186Arts and Humanities
Kassis, Charlotte
Adjunct Faculty
charlotte.kassis@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2078Social & Behavioral Sciences
Kaufman, Bailey
Adjunct Faculty
bailey.kaufman@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2570Social & Behavioral Sciences
Keef, Denise
Adjunct Faculty
denise.keef@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2527Math, Science & Engineering
Kelly, Jerene
Administrative Coordinator
jerene.kelly@avc.eduInstructional Resources Dean(661) 722-6300 ext. 6794L-107
Kemp, C. McKinley
Adjunct Faculty
cmckinley.kemp@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2185Social & Behavioral Sciences
Kephart, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
thomas.kephart@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2905Health & Safety Sciences
Kerns, Brent
Adjunct Faculty
brent.kerns@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2255Career Technical Education
Kilayko, Maria Angela
mariaangela.kilayko@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6015UH 226
Kimball, Brian
Adjunct Faculty
brian.kimball@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2715Math, Science and Engineering
KinKennon, Heather
Adjunct Faculty
heather.kinkennon@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2179Arts and Humanities
Kincaid, Heather
Adjunct Faculty
heather.kincaid@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2916none
Kincaid, Lisa
Adjunct Faculty
lisa.kincaid@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2344Social & Behavioral Sciences
King, Adrienne
Adjunct Faculty
adrienne.king@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2413Arts and Humanities
King, Brad
Adjunct Faculty
brad.king@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2621CTE
King, Patty
Adjunct Counselor
patty.king@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2182SSV 221
Kinison, Lisa
Acctg Tech Business Svcs
lisa.kinison@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6938A154
Kirkendall, Jason
Lab Technician Mathematics
jason.kirkendall@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6071YH 160
Kitto, William
Adjunct Faculty
william.kitto@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2948Math, Science and Engineering
Klundt, Tiesha
tiesha.klundt@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6149SSV 203
Knippel, Dianne
Exec Dir. Foundation
dianne.knippel@avc.eduFoundation(661) 722-6598A116
Knowles, Glen
glen.knowles@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6687FA1 117
Kock, Heather
Adjunct Faculty
heather.kock@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2259Math, Science and Engineering
Konnerth, Matt
Adjunct Faculty
matt.konnerth@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2013Language and Communication Arts
Koritsoglou, Angela
angela.koritsoglou@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6056YH 121L
Koshkaryan, Lusine
Temporary FT Counselor 11 months
lusine.koshkaryan@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2540SSV 221
Koss, Danielle
Student Accounts Technician
danielle.koss@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6779SSV Cashier Office
Kovacs, Miyuki
Adjunct Counselor
miyuki.kovacs@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2070SSV 221
Krumrei Jr., Randall
Adjunct Faculty
randall.krumreijr@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2451none
Krynen, Greg
Technical Trainer
greg.krynen@avc.eduInstructional Multimedia Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6877MH 108
Kulisch, Krista
Adjunct Faculty
krista.kulisch@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2060none
Kulkarni, Vinita
Adjunct Faculty
vinita.kulkarni@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2939Math, Science and Engineering
Kuroyama, Cory
cory.kuroyama@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6919Health & Safety Sciences
Kyriakides, Chrysanthos
chrysanthos.kyriakid@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6850UH 264
La Croix, Jonathan
Adjunct Faculty
jonathan.lacroix@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2437none
LaFontaine, Nicole
Adjunct Counselor
nicole.lafontaine@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2904Counseling & Matriculation
Lacy, Tressa
tressa.lacy@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6729none
Landreth, Cephus
Inst. Assist A/C & Refrgn
cephus.landreth@avc.eduAeroSp,IND Arts & Applied Tech.Dean(661) 722-6300 ext. 6199EL 104
Landsberg, Maria
Adjunct Faculty
maria.landsberg@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2625Arts and Humanities
Langaman, Sheri
Adminstrative Asst
sheri.langaman@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics(661) 722-6300 ext. 6245OF2 106
Langner, Greg
Reg Inst 10 Mos Communic
greg.langner@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6065YH 221D
Lara, Luis
Adjunct Faculty
luis.lara@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2407Language & Communication Arts
Larios-Perez, Osvaldo
Regular Inst 10 mos BIOL
osvaldo.lariosperez@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6730UH 134
Lathrop, Michele
Technical Analyst
michele.lathrop@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6984MH 314
Latuno, Marissa
marissa.latuno@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6099UH 214
Lawson, Elizabeth
Payroll Specialist
elizabeth.lawson@avc.eduPayroll(661) 722-6300 ext. 6711A111
Ledbetter, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.ledbetter@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2142Social & Behavioral Sciences
Ledbetter, Michelle
Adjunct Faculty
michelle.ledbetter@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2635Health & Safety Sciences
Lee, Kyu
kyu.lee@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6843Math, Science & Engineering
Lee, Lynn
Adjunct Faculty
lynn.lee@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2712Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Lee, Scott
Librarian - 10 mos
scott.lee@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6546L 124
Lee, Travis
Reg Inst 10 mos Welding
travis.lee@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6025DL 145
Lehman, Cynthia
cynthia.lehman@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6489MH 216
Lemley IV, Chaz
Tutoring Specialist
chaz.lemley@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext 6766SH 101A
Lendrum, Dale
Adjunct Faculty
dale.lendrum@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2288none
Lester, Stephanie
Adjunct Faculty
stephanie.lester@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2653none
Lewis, Cody
Adjunct Faculty
cody.lewis@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2104Arts and Humanities
Lewis, David
Adjunct Faculty
david.lewis1@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2083Social & Behavioral Sciences
Lewis, David
Adjunct Faculty
david.lewis2@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2386Social & Behavioral Sciences
Linares, Giovanni
Computer Service Technician
giovanni.linares@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6137MH 116
Lindsey, Debbie
Supervisor, Palmdale Center
debbie.lindsey@avc.eduPalmdale Campus(661) 722-6521A139
Littlefield, Cynthia
cynthia.littlefield@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6205T700-C7
Litvinov, De'Nean
denean.litvinov@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6624SSV 225
Livermont, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.livermont@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2721OF2 108
Livingston, Jennifer
Adjunct Faculty
jennifer.livingston@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2312Career Technical Education
Lobos, Jedidiah
Dean Math, Science & Engrg
jedidiah.lobos@avc.eduMath/Science/Engineering(661) 722-6447UH 182
Lockwood, Mage
Adjunct Faculty
mage.lockwood@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2504Arts and Humanities
Lods, Rachel
Adjunct Faculty
rachel.lods@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2279none
Lofdahl, Gail
Adjunct Faculty
gail.lofdahl@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2658Social & Behavioral Sciences
Logan-Butler, Robin
Clerical Assistant II
robin.loganbutler@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6196MH 110
Lohrman, Nicole
Library Technician
nicole.lohrman@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6024Library
Loi, Ann
Lab Tech High Tech Lab 11 mo 50%
ann.loi@avc.eduDisabled Student Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6231SSV 162
Lombardi, Joseph
Adjunct Faculty
joseph.lombardi@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2607Social & Behavioral Sciences
Lopez, Stacey
Adjunct Faculty
stacey.lopez@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2908none
Lopez, Trisha
Administrative Assistant - Instructional
trisha.lopez@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts(661) 722-6300 ext. 6766SH 206
Love, Suzy
Adjunct Faculty & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2920Social & Behavioral Sciences
Lowry, Susan
Adjunct Faculty
susan.lowry@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2119Rhetoric and Literacy
Loza, Jacqueline
Adjunct Faculty
jacqueline.loza@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2250Language & Communication Arts
Lubos, Arnold
Custodian I
arnold.lubos@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6171Custodial
Lucero III, Frank
Adjunct Faculty
frank.luceroiii@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2042Arts and Humanities
Ludvigsen, Lindsay
Adjunct Faculty
lindsay.ludvigsen@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2306none
Luna, Michelle
Senior Accounting Technician
michelle.luna@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6054SSV 161
Lund, William
Adjunct Faculty
william.lund@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2198Social & Behavioral Sciences
Lynch, Gina
Adjunct Faculty
gina.lynch@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2257none
Lynch, Wayne
wayne.lynch@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6277T700-A7
Lynskey, Timothy
Adjunct Faculty
timothy.lynskey@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2582Social & Behavioral Sciences
MacConnell, Samantha
Administrative Asst
samantha.macconnell@avc.eduFoundation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6111SH 204
Macfie, Jane
Adjunct Faculty
jane.macfie@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2314Arts and Humanities
Macias, Shannon
Adjunct Faculty
shannon.macias@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2277none
Macmillan, Jamie
Clerical Asst III-Non Instr
jamie.macmillan@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6265SH 204I
Madsen, Angela
Adjunct Faculty
angela.madsen@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2153Math, Science and Engineering
Maher, Long
Custodian I
long.maher@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6701Facilities
Maher, Michael
Supv Bldg Mtce
michael.maher@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6517FS 145
Mahfuzur-Rahman, Abu-Taher
abutaher.mahfuzurrah@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6743YH 121H
Major, Karl
Adjunct Faculty
karl.major@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2137Math, Science and Engineering
Makerian, Rafi
Adjunct Faculty
rafi.makerian@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2450Career Technical Education
Maldonado, Joshua
Computer Svc Technician
joshua.maldonado@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6227MH 116
Marder, Igor
igor.marder@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6238UH 248
Martin, Eric
Adjunct Faculty
eric.martin@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2371Language & Communication Arts
Martindale, Peggy
Adjunct Faculty
peggy.martindale@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2147Arts and Humanities
Martinez, Diane
Calworks I Tech
diane.martinez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6011SSV 190
Martinez, Graciela
Adjunct Faculty
graciela.martinez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2045Counseling Center
Martinez, Julio
Adjunct Faculty
julio.martinez@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2134Health & Safety Sciences
Martinez, Katia
Computer Svcs Tech
katia.martinez@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6940MH 116
Martinez, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.martinez@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 6206Kinesiology & Athletics
Martirosyan, Zarine
Cashier 50%12 mos
zarine.martirosyan@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6029Business Services
Mashhour, Andrew
andrew.mashhour@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6081T700-B5
Matalon, Leon
Adjunct Faculty
leon.matalon@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2108Arts and Humanities
Matias, Ricardo
Adjunct Faculty
ricardo.matias@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2590CTE
McAllister, Bruce
Adjunct Faculty
bruce.mcallister@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2036Arts and Humanities
McCabe, Danielle
Adjunct Faculty
danielle.mccabe@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2680Psychology
McCary, Jonathan
Adjunct Faculty
jonathan.mccary@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2358Social & Behavioral Sciences
McCloskey, Matthew
Adjunct Faculty
matthew.mccloskey@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2330Math, Science and Engineering
McClure, Patty
Director, Board & Exec Svcs.
patty.mcclure@avc.eduPresident's Office(661) 722-6300 ext. 6062A126
McCord, Maisha
Adminstrative Asst
maisha.mccord@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6985SSV 221
McCullough, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.mccullough@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2116Arts and Humanities
McCully, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.mccully@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2297Arts and Humanities
McDermott, Tina
tina.mcdermott@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6144T300 Q
McGinnis, Tanya
tanya.mcginnis@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6773SSV 207
McGovern, Mark
mark.mcgovern@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6006UH 262
McGuire, Katie
Adjunct Faculty
katie.mcguire@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2101Arts and Humanities
McIsaac, Ellen
Adjunct Faculty
ellen.mcisaac@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2628Math, Science and Engineering
McKinstry, Olivia
Clerical Assistant III
olivia.mckinstry@avc.eduJob Placement Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6287SSV-171
McLean, Timea
Adjunct Faculty
timea.mclean@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2092Social & Behavioral Sciences
McLoughlin, Peter
peter.mcloughlin@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6108UH 234
McMahon, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.mcmahon@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2324none
McMillan, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.mcmillan@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2499Math, Science and Engineering
McNamara, Laurence
Adjunct Faculty
laurence.mcnamara@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2168Arts and Humanities
McWilliams, David
Instructional Assist Auto Body 10 mo 75%
david.mcwilliams@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6749none
Meadows, Erica
Adjunct Faculty
erica.meadows@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2369none
Medina, Patricia
Adjunct Faculty
patricia.medina@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2490Math, Science and Engineering
Medina, Rue
Maintenance Worker
rue.medina@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6073none
Megel, Andrea
Adjunct Faculty
andrea.megel@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2922Health & Safety Sciences
Mejia, Jonathan
Adjunct Faculty
jonathan.mejia@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2033Language & Communication Arts
Mejia, Pedro
Inst.Assist Auto Body 10 mos.
pedro.mejia@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6869TE8-110
Memmer, Scott
scott.memmer@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6110YH 121M
Mendoza Gonzalez Larreynaga, Alberto
Interim Manager, HUB
alberto.mendozagonza@avc.eduStudent Equity(661) 722-6587MH 230
Menjivar, Emily
Adjunct Counselor
emily.menjivar@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2227Counseling & Matriculation
Menjivar, Jose
Adjunct Faculty
jose.menjivar@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2393Math, Science and Engineering
Menzing, Todd
Adjunct Faculty
todd.menzing@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2283Social & Behavioral Sciences
Metcalf, Nicole
Accounting Assistant II Bond
nicole.metcalf@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6856A154
Mettler, Ty
Adjunct Faculty
ty.mettler@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2011Career Technical Education
Michael, Lyudmila
Adjunct Faculty
lyudmila.michael@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2159Math, Science and Engineering
Middleton, Maria
Accountant, Bond
maria.middleton@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6802FS 132
Miles, Harriet
Adjunct Faculty
harriet.miles@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2925Social & Behavioral Sciences
Milhoan, Francesca
Adjunct Faculty
francesca.milhoan@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2594Health & Safety Sciences
Miller, Carrie
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
carrie.miller@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2266Kinesiology & Athletics
Miller, Harmony
Director Human Resources
harmony.miller@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6528A109
Mintz, Sean
Adjunct Faculty
sean.mintz@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2999Social & Behavioral Sciences
Miranda, Vicki
Adjunct Faculty
vicki.miranda@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2057Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Mita, Ronald
Adjunct Faculty
ronald.mita@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2459none
Mitchell, Kathryn
Dean Arts & Humanities
kathryn.mitchell@avc.eduArts & Humanities(661) 722-6554SH207
Mitsch, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.mitsch@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2094none
Mkrtchyan, Hasmik
Adjunct Faculty
hasmik.mkrtchyan@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2047Math, Science and Engineering
Mock, Cynthia
Adjunct Librarian
cynthia.mock@avc.eduLibrary661-722-6200, ext.Library
Moghaddas, Shadi
Adjunct Faculty
shadi.moghaddas@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2956none
Molina, Yolanda
Library Tech
yolanda.molina@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6259L 103
Moore, Audrey
audrey.moore@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6047SSV 218
Morales Jr, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.moralesjr@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2366none
Morehouse, Michele
Adjunct Librarian
michele.morehouse@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 2263Library
Morgan, Frankie
Temporary FT Instructor 1 Year 10 mos AUTO
frankie.morgan@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6822CTE
Morris, Glenn
Grounds Mtce Worker
glenn.morris@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6830none
Moser, Kent
kent.moser@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 6175MH 212
Moses, Bryan
bryan.moses@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics(661) 722-6300 ext. 6182Kinesiology & Athletics
Mosley, Devin
Adjunct Counselor
devin.mosley@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2947none
Motawakel, Rick
rick.motawakel@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6097DL 143
Moulton, Emily
Foundation Specialist
emily.moulton@avc.eduFoundation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6996A118
Muench, Uwe
Adjunct Faculty
uwe.muench@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2460Math, Science and Engineering
Mugnolo, Christine
christine.mugnolo@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6798FA4 181
Musial, Angela
Director, Purchasing & Cntrcts
angela.musial@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6666A148
Musulyan, Marine
Adjunct Faculty
marine.musulyan@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2579Math, Science and Engineering
Myles, Derek
Adjunct Counselor
derek.myles@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2030Counseling Center
Nadalet, Matthew
Adjunct Faculty
matthew.nadalet@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2174Career Technical Education
Nasipak, James
Director Auxiliary Svcs
james.nasipak@avc.eduBookstore(661) 722-6505PA 123
Negrete, Bettie
Clerical Assistant III
bettie.negrete@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6074MH 202
Nemila, Robert
Adjunct Faculty
robert.nemila@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2521Career Technical Education
Newby, David
david.newby@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6383FA3 - 152
Newby, Helen
Adjunct Faculty
helen.newby@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2188none
Newman, Erika
Adjunct Faculty
erika.newman@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2935none
Newman, Jason
Adjunct Faculty
jason.newman@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2507Math, Science and Engineering
Nickel, Larissa
Adjunct Faculty
larissa.nickel@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2044Arts and Humanities
Nicolai-Pleer, Harry
Coord Deaf Services
harry.nicolaipleer@avc.eduDisabled Student Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6204SSV 164
Nikolaychuk, Alexander
alexander.nikolaychu@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6741UH 102
Nisani, Zia
zia.nisani@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6916UH 164
Nogales, Ronda
Adjunct Faculty
ronda.nogales@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2210Language & Communication Arts
North, Kevin
kevin.north@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6044YH 221B
Nowak, Lisa
Manager, Financial & Fiscal Services
lisa.nowak@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6612A154
Nuckolls, Doug
Instructional Asst-AERO/CTE
doug.nuckolls@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6286Fox Field
Nuno, Salvador
Adjunct Faculty
salvador.nuno@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2411Social & Behavioral Sciences
Nutt, Stephen
Adjunct Faculty
stephen.nutt@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2463Arts and Humanities
O'Brien, Eileen
Supervisor, Buyer
eileen.obrien@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6027A 154
O'Keeffe, Darlene
Coord Academic Senate
darlene.okeeffe@avc.eduAcademic Senate(661) 722-6589L202
O'Leary, Lisa
Technical Analyst - Academic Affairs
lisa.oleary@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6055MH 314
Oberly, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.oberly@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2563Career Technical Education
Ojeda, Veronica
Clerical Asst III-Non Instr
veronica.ojeda@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6857Purchasing and Contract Services
Olivares, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
thomas.olivares@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2983Career Technical Education
Oliveira, Kristine
kristine.oliveira@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6240YH 221F
Olson, Suzanne
Administrative Asst.-Instr.
suzanne.olson@avc.eduMath/Science/Engineering(661) 722-6300 ext. 6046UH 184
Opperman, Randall
Adjunct Faculty
randall.opperman@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2243Health & Safety Sciences
Orellana, Stephanie
Librarian - 10 mos
stephanie.orellana@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6719L104
Organista, Lilia
Adjunct Faculty
lilia.organista@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2619Health & Safety Sciences
Oribio, Larry
larry.oribio@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6942Career Technical Education
Orosco, Joe
joe.orosco@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6035Facilities Services
Osawa, Roy
roy.osawa@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6291UH 148
Osburn, Kathy
kathy.osburn@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 6898MH 228
Otis, Susanna
Instructional Asst-Inst AERO
susanna.otis@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6872EL-109
Over, Jonathan
Adjunct Faculty
jonathan.over@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2135Math, Science and Engineering
Owens, Megan
megan.owens@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6765MH 225
Padilla, Samuel
samuel.padilla@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6970Fox Field
Padron, Idania
Vice President Student Services
idania.padron@avc.eduVice President, Student Srvcs(661) 722-6303A131
Palacios Lopez, Yoselin
Program Specialist FYE
yoselin.palacioslope@avc.eduStudent Life(661) 722-6300 ext. 6076HUB
Palagallo, Brian
brian.palagallo@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6964T300-V
Palavecino, Patricia
patricia.palavecino@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6897UH 166
Palmetto, Tamira
OFC for Stu w/Disabilites
tamira.palmetto@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6724SSV 167
Panahi-pour, Mohammad
Adjunct Faculty
mohammad.panahipour@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2589CTE
Panossian, Garo
Adjunct Faculty
garo.panossian@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2525Social & Behavioral Sciences
Panoussi, Estiphan
Adjunct Faculty
estiphan.panoussi@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2121Social & Behavioral Sciences
Parisky, Alex
Director, Online Education and Instructional Support
alex.parisky@avc.eduVP of Academic Affair(661) 722-6692MH 109
Parker, Linda
Librarian - 10 mos paid 11
linda.parker@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6063L 106
Parkes, Jacob
Adjunct Faculty
jacob.parkes@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2320Career Technical Education
Parkinson, Elinda
elinda.parkinson@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6026UH 204
Partee, Benjamin
Interim Dean Athletics & Kinesiology
benjamin.partee@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics(661) 722-6441OF2 107
Patillo, Douis
Adjunct Faculty
douis.patillo@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2175Career Technical Education
Patin, Ana
Human Resources Tech
ana.patin@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6116A108
Paul, Jenell
EOP&S Technician II
jenell.paul@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6168SSV 258
Paul, Rieana
Clerical Assistant I, CDC 50%
rieana.paul@avc.eduChild Development Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6241Child Development Center
Peoples, Stephanie
stephanie.peoples@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6840MH 222
Perez, Annamarie
annamarie.perez@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6751Language & Communication Arts
Perez, Cindy
Adjunct Counselor
cindy.perez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2118Counseling Center
Perez, Esperanza
Coord Evaluations
esperanza.perez@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6792SSV 105
Perez, Yecenia
Athletic Trainer, Senior
yecenia.perez@avc.eduAthletics - General Expenses(661) 722-6300 ext. 6978Kinesiology & Athletics
Pesses, Mike
mike.pesses@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6914UH 252
Petersen, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
sandra.petersen@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2370Social & Behavioral Sciences
Peterson, Cade
Adjunct Faculty
cade.peterson@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2251Career Technical Education
Petikyan, Gohar
Adjunct Faculty
gohar.petikyan@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2271Math, Science and Engineering
Petrin, Yvette
EOP&S Specialist
yvette.petrin@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6165SSV 258
Pine, David
Security Officer
david.pine@avc.eduL.A.S.D.(661) 722-6300 ext. 6414T800
Pinedo, Jose
Skilled Mtce Worker
jose.pinedo@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6721Maintenance
Pinho, Carlos
carlos.pinho@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6716MH 221
Pinto, Jyothi
Adjunct Faculty
jyothi.pinto@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2434Health & Safety Sciences
Pittel, David
Adjunct Faculty
david.pittel@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2449Arts and Humanities
Planellas, Phil
Supervisor, Custodial Services
phil.planellas@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6633Facilities
Plus, Anita
Adjunct Faculty & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2622Health & Safety Sciences
Poorman, Gabby
gabby.poorman@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 6013UH 212
Potipitak, Komson
Adjunct Faculty
komson.potipitak@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2113Health & Safety Sciences
Potipitak, Stacy
Adjunct Faculty
stacy.potipitak@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2421Health & Safety Sciences
Powell, Megan
Adjunct Counselor
megan.powell@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2399Counseling Center
Powers Teal, Julia
Adjunct Faculty
julia.powersteal@avc.eduArts & Humanities 9661) 722-6300, ext.Arts & Humanities
Presnell, Lisa
Adjunct Librarian
lisa.presnell@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 2474Library
Pressman, Mark
Adjunct Faculty
mark.pressman@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2303Social & Behavioral Sciences
Preston, Gwennette
Clerical Assistant III
gwennette.preston@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6136SSV 221
Price, Hank
hank.price@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6746MH 220
Price, Robert
Adjunct Faculty
robert.price@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2316Social & Behavioral Sciences
Pursley, Mark
Adjunct Faculty
mark.pursley@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2152Social & Behavioral Sciences
Quesada, Katherine
katherine.quesada@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6888UH 230
Quinones, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
sandra.quinones@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2155Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Rael, Val
Adjunct Faculty
val.rael@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2150Career Technical Education
Rahi, Gurcharan
Adjunct Faculty
gurcharan.rahi@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2317Math, Science and Engineering
Rainbow, Matthew
matthew.rainbow@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6369UH 162
Ramirez Giraldo, Pablo
Custodian I
pablo.ramirezgiraldo@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6176Custodial
Ramirez, Frank
Adjunct Faculty
frank.ramirez@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2513Career Technical Education
Ramirez, Giselle
Adjunct Counselor
giselle.ramirez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2953Counseling & Matriculation
Ramirez, Larry
Adjunct Faculty
larry.ramirez@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2365Social & Behavioral Sciences
Ramirez, Luis D L
Adjunct Faculty
luisdl.ramirez@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2026Social & Behavioral Sciences
Ramirez, Ramon
Clerical Assistant III
ramon.ramirez@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6252MH 304
Ramirez, Richard
Adjunct Faculty
richard.ramirez@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2206Career Technical Education
Ramos, Adel
Adjunct Faculty
adel.ramos@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2528Career Technical Education
Ramos, Gil
Adjunct Faculty
gil.ramos@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2349Social & Behavioral Sciences
Ramos, Juan
Athletic Turf Mtce Spclst
juan.ramos@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6714Facilities
Ranish, David
Adjunct Faculty
david.ranish@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2990Social & Behavioral Sciences
Ranish, Donald
Adjunct Faculty
donald.ranish@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2951Social & Behavioral Sciences
Rao, Harish
harish.rao@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6003YH 121K
Rasmussen, Timothy
Athletic Trainer, Senior
timothy.rasmussen@avc.eduAthletics - General Expenses(661) 722-6300 ext. 6264Kinesiology & Athletics
Razook, Aley
aley.razook@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6271none
Recinos, Leyla
Adminstrative Assistant
leyla.recinos@avc.eduAeroSp,IND Arts & Applied Tech.Dean(661) 722-6300 ext. 6775EL 129
Reddish, Debra
Adjunct Faculty
debra.reddish@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2115Arts and Humanities
Regacho, Leland
Adjunct Faculty
leland.regacho@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2225Health & Safety Sciences
Reina, Michelle
Adjunct Counselor
michelle.reina@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2906none
Remp, Vicky
Human Resources Tech
vicky.remp@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6995A104
Reyes, Erica
Educational Advisor
erica.reyes@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6926HUB 116
Reynaga, Margarita
Adjunct Counselor
margarita.reynaga@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2903none
Rhea, Candice
Adjunct Faculty
candice.rhea@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2957Language & Communication Arts
Richardson, Adam
Adjunct Faculty
adam.richardson@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2624CTE
Rider, Van
van.rider@avc.eduWorkforce Dev. & Communnity Engmt(661) 722-6300 ext. 6709PC 131
Rider, Wendy
Learning Instructor - 10 month
wendy.rider@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6702SH 109
Riley, Nikki
nikki.riley@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6758UH 128
Rincon Barragan, Julia
Educational Advisor
julia.rinconbarragan@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6824SSV 224
Ringenbach, Kathleen
Adjunct Faculty
kathleen.ringenbach@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2433Social & Behavioral Sciences
Rios, Michael
michael.rios@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6443T700-C3
Ritchie, Karl
Skilled Mtce Worker
karl.ritchie@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6980Maintenance
Ritchie, Kenneth
kenneth.ritchie@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6859Maintenance
Rivas, Susette
Coordinator Evaluations
susette.rivas@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6089Enrollment Services SSV Lobby
Roberts, Lon
Adjunct Faculty
lon.roberts@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2660Health & Safety Sciences
Roberts, Promise
Adjunct Faculty
promise.roberts@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2177Career Technical Education
Roberts, Shane
shane.roberts@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6113Maintenance
Robin, Janet
Adjunct Faculty
janet.robin@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2199Social & Behavioral Sciences
Robinson, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
sandra.robinson@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2545UH 218
Robles, Peter
Adjunct Faculty
peter.robles@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2236Math, Science and Engineering
Rock, Jennifer
jennifer.rock@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6760UH-206
Rodriguez, Blanca
Human Resources Assist Title IX & Compliance
blanca.rodriguez@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6858A-162
Rodriguez, Deciderio
Adjunct Librarian
deciderio.rodriguez@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 2487Library
Rodriguez, Griselda
Adjunct Counselor
griselda.rodriguez@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2015Counseling & Matriculation
Rodriguez, Miguel
miguel.rodriguez@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6720DL-147
Romero, Stephanie
Adjunct Faculty
stephanie.romero@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2184Social & Behavioral Sciences
Roque, Leon
Adjunct Faculty
leon.roque@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2517Health & Safety Sciences
Rosales, Victoria
Clerical Assistant III 10 mo. 50%
victoria.rosales@avc.eduChild Development Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6148none
Rosas, Carlos
Director Educational Office Student w/Disab
carlos.rosas@avc.eduDisabled Student Services(661) 722-6507SSV
Ruff, Kendra
Dir. Educational EOPS,CARE,NEXTUP & GS
kendra.ruff@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6079SSV 259
Rumsey, Duane
duane.rumsey@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6322MH 235
Rungaitis, Matthew
Adjunct Faculty
matthew.rungaitis@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2166Social & Behavioral Sciences
Rupel, James
Adjunct Faculty
james.rupel@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2136Social & Behavioral Sciences
Rust, Cory
Adjunct Faculty
cory.rust@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2336Career Technical Education
Ruvalcaba, Maricela
Lrng Disab Test Tech
maricela.ruvalcaba@avc.eduDisabled Student Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6133SSV 165
Ruvalcaba, Marlene
Adjunct Faculty
marlene.ruvalcaba@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2612Career Technical Education
Rydell, Kaitlin
Adjunct Faculty
kaitlin.rydell@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2240Career Technical Education
Saari, Wade
Coord Assessment
wade.saari@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6341SSV 140
Sabo, Eleisha
Adjunct Faculty
eleisha.sabo@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2533none
Safarian, Herach
herach.safarian@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6186Career Technical Education
Said, Manija
Adjunct Faculty
manija.said@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2608Math, Science and Engineering
Salameh, Bassam
bassam.salameh@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6920UH 156
Salazar, Arthur
Adjunct Faculty
arthur.salazar@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2156Language & Communication Arts
Salazar, Debbie
Interim People, Culture & Talent Assistant
debbie.salazar@avc.eduHuman Resources(661) 722-6300 ext. 6131A 126
Saleh, Nashat
Adjunct Faculty
nashat.saleh@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2131Math, Science and Engineering
Sales, Pablo
Early Childhd Instr Spec-Instr
pablo.sales@avc.eduChild Development Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6296CDC 108
Salinas, Deza
Adjunct Counselor
deza.salinas@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2228SSV
Salvi, Lisa
Adjunct Faculty
lisa.salvi@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2380Social & Behavioral Sciences
Sammons, Edward
Adjunct Faculty
edward.sammons@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6090Social & Behavioral Sciences
Sanchez, Andres
Adjunct Faculty
andres.sanchez@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2506none
Sanchez, Debbie
Adjunct Librarian
debbie.sanchez@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 2597L-128
Sanchez, Linda
Financial Aid Tech II
linda.sanchez@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6251Financial Aid
Sanders, John
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
john.sanders@avc.eduMens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2089OF1-124
Sandoval, Erika
Library Assistant
erika.sandoval@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6875Library
Sanei, Maryam
Adjunct Faculty
maryam.sanei@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2454Math, Science and Engineering
Sanicolas, May
may.sanicolas@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6135SSV 209
Santero, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.santero@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2662Health & Safety Sciences
Santiago, Sammy
Custodian I
sammy.santiago@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6105Custodial
Santos, Marlene
Financial Aid Tech I
marlene.santos@avc.eduStud Financial Aid Assist-Bfap(661) 722-6300 ext. 6132SSV - Financial Aid Office
Saxon, Jonathan
Adjunct Faculty
jonathan.saxon@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2023Social & Behavioral Sciences
Schilling, Rod
rod.schilling@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6977SSV 212
Schilling, Tova
Adjunct Faculty
tova.schilling@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2305Language & Communication Arts
Schneider, Sarah
Project Supervisor Stdnt Svcs
sarah.schneider@avc.eduTITLE V 2nd Year Experience(661) 722-6529HUB-123
Schottelkorb, Michele
Adminstrative Assistant
michele.schottelkorb@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6112MH 203
Schreibfeder, Bruce
Adjunct Faculty
bruce.schreibfeder@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2282Social & Behavioral Sciences
Schroeder, Timothy
Adjunct Faculty
timothy.schroeder@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2690Math, Science and Engineering
Schroer, Alexandra
alexandra.schroer@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6922UH 250
Scott, Ken
Adjunct Faculty
ken.scott@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2163Social & Behavioral Sciences
Scribner, Alma
Clerical Asst III-Instr
alma.scribner@avc.eduMath/Science/Engineering(661) 722-6300 ext. 6731UH 198
Seekamp, Jacqueline
Librarian - 10 mos
jacqueline.seekamp@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6727Library
Serrano, Robyn
Academic Affairs Specialist
robyn.serrano@avc.eduVP of Academic Affair(661) 722-6300 ext. 6152A139
Serrata Jr., Jose
Campus Events Tech
jose.serratajr@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6851Facilities Services
Severs, Debbie
Clerical Assistant II
debbie.severs@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6747none
Shadrick, Yvette
Adjunct Faculty
yvette.shadrick@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2677Social & Behavioral Sciences
Shafer, Ken
ken.shafer@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6906MH 214
Shahla, George
george.shahla@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6625UH 160
Shahla, Kenan
kenan.shahla@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6759UH 152
Shea, Charles
Adjunct Faculty
charles.shea@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2172Aeronautics/CTE
Sheppard, Tim
Instructional Assistant Automotive
tim.sheppard@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6928Auto Lab Room 172
Shimizu, Mariko
mariko.shimizu@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6091UH 106
Shipp, Joshua
Regular Inst 10 mos BIOL
joshua.shipp@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 6160UH 236
Shook, Patrick
Adjunct Faculty
patrick.shook@avc.eduAeroSp,IND Arts & Applied Tech.Dean(661) 722-6300 ext. 2489Career Technical Education
Shreves, Brian
Adjunct Faculty
brian.shreves@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2516Social & Behavioral Sciences
Shrout, Chad
Adjunct Faculty
chad.shrout@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 2364Kinesiology & Athletics
Sidnam, Chief
Adjunct Faculty
chief.sidnam@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2209Social & Behavioral Science
Siegel, Eugene
Adjunct Faculty
eugene.siegel@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2456Social & Behavioral Sciences
Sims, Patreicia
Adjunct Counselor
patreicia.sims@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2535none
Sirotzki, Veronica
Custodian Lead
veronica.sirotzki@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6931Custodial
Skipper, Mary
Attendance Acct Tech
mary.skipper@avc.eduStudent Programs & Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6114Enrollment Services SSV Lobby
Smart, Andrea
Adjunct Faculty Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2668Career Technical Education
Smethurst, Paul
Grounds Irrig/Eqpt Tech Lead
paul.smethurst@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6839Grounds
Smith, Bradley
Adjunct Faculty
bradley.smith@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2193Arts and Humanities
Smith, Denise
Adjunct Faculty
denise.smith@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2039Social & Behavioral Sciences
Smith, Elle
Adjunct Librarian
elle.smith@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 2629L-111
Smith, Jeremiah
Adjunct Faculty
jeremiah.smith@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2626CTE
Smith, Kimberly
kimberly.smith@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6031UH 208
Smith, Quinn
Adjunct Faculty
quinn.smith@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2027Social & Behavioral Sciences
Smolenski, Tyson
Programmer Analyst
tyson.smolenski@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6191MH 314
Snyder, Susan
susan.snyder@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6017UH 210
Soberanis, Claudia
Adjunct Faculty
claudia.soberanis@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2503Health & Safety Sciences
Solis, Laurie
Adjunct Faculty
laurie.solis@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2022Social & Behavioral Sciences
Solis-Garcia, Parris
Program Specialist
parris.solisgarcia@avc.eduStudent Food and Housing Support(661) 722-6300 ext. 6952T-700 D5
Sommers, Carol
Adjunct Faculty
carol.sommers@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2362none
Soriano, Jose
Automotive Equipment Mechanic
jose.soriano@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6228Facilities
Sosa, Peggy
Adjunct Counselor
peggy.sosa@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2065Counseling Center
Spurgeon, Joshua
Adjunct Faculty
joshua.spurgeon@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2079Language & Communication Arts
Srinivasan, Vivek
Adjunct Faculty
vivek.srinivasan@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2086Social & Behavioral Sciences
Stafford, Collin
Adjunct Faculty
collin.stafford@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2586Arts and Humanities
Stahmann, Paul
Adjunct Faculty
paul.stahmann@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2584Math, Science and Engineering
Stallworth, Joaquain
Adjunct Faculty
joaquain.stallworth@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2993Career Tech Ed
Stanek, Tomasz
Adjunct Faculty
tomasz.stanek@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2276Social & Behavioral Sciences
Stanton, Robert
Supv Grounds Mtce
robert.stanton@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6866FS 155
Stanton, Sara
Administrative Coordinator
sara.stanton@avc.eduTRIO Star Program(661) 722-6300 ext. 6753SSV 241
Star, Jayme
IMC Tech Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6848MH 116
Starner, Robert
Adjunct Faculty
robert.starner@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2200Arts and Humanities
Steans, Ty
Project Supervisor, NextUp
ty.steans@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6156HUB 116
Steffes, Tammara
Director, FINAN & Fiscal Svcs
tammara.steffes@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6464A149
Steiner, Adam
Adjunct Faculty
adam.steiner@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2334Math, Science and Engineering
Stepro, Noah
Adjunct Faculty
noah.stepro@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2418Social & Behavioral Sciences
Sterling, Monica
Adjunct Faculty
monica.sterling@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2569Social & Behavioral Sciences
Stewart, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.stewart@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6814none
Stewart, Raychel
Marketing Specialist
raychel.stewart@avc.eduPublic Relations(661) 722-6300 ext. 6867MH 103
Stinson, Allie
Financial Aid Technician I
allie.stinson@avc.eduFinancial Aid(661) 722-6300 ext. 6828none
Stinson, Amanda
Research Technician
amanda.stinson@avc.eduInstitutional Rsrch & Planning(661) 722-6300 ext. 6704Library
Stoll, Joanne
Adjunct Faculty
joanne.stoll@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2440Health & Safety Sciences
Stone, Nancy
Mailroom/Dupl Tech
nancy.stone@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6058MH 129
Stout, Wendy
Dean, Health & Public Safety
wendy.stout@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6410UH 112
Stowers, Misty
Adjunct Faculty
misty.stowers@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2367Social & Behavioral Sciences
Strong, Joshua
joshua.strong@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6140T700-B7
Stupar, Jerry
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
jerry.stupar@avc.eduPhysical Ed & Athletics (661) 722-6300 ext. 6782OF2 112
Sturm, Tim
tim.sturm@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 6146EL 142
Suarez Jr., Salvador
salvador.suarezjr@avc.eduCARE(661) 722-6366SSV 267
Sukhdeo, Christie
Adjunct Faculty
christie.sukhdeo@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2631Math, Science and Engineering
Sullivan, Judith
Adjunct Faculty
judith.sullivan@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2278Math, Science and Engineering
Sullivan-Ford, Deborah
Adjunct Faculty
deborah.sullivanford@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2486Social & Behavioral Sciences
Suri, Neena
Adjunct Faculty
neena.suri@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2076Math, Science and Engineering
Sutton, Rickey
Adjunct Faculty
rickey.sutton@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2532Career Technical Education
Suzuki, Junko
Adjunct Faculty (661) 722-6300 ext. 2322Math, Science and Engineering
Taglianetti, Paul
paul.taglianetti@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 6022YH 221G
Tague, Captain T
Custodian Lead
captaint.tague@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6214Custodial
Taksony, Carter
Campus Events Worker
carter.taksony@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6769Facilities
Tami, Craig
Grounds Mtce Worker
craig.tami@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6826Grounds
Tapia, Robert
Skilled Maintenance Worker
robert.tapia@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6028Facilities
Taube, Toby
Adjunct Faculty
toby.taube@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2409Math, Science and Engineering
Taylor, Harry
Adjunct Faculty
harry.taylor@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2215Social & Behavioral Sciences
Taylor, Jennifer
jennifer.taylor@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6208T700-B2
Taylor, John
john.taylor@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6686OF2 110
Telezing, Martin
Adjunct Faculty
martin.telezing@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2966Social & Behavioral Sciences
Tepedino, Angelo
Adjunct Faculty
angelo.tepedino@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2333Social & Behavioral Sciences
Tepeli, Dursun
Adjunct Faculty
dursun.tepeli@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2335Career Technical Education
Theus, Denise
Adjunct Faculty
denise.theus@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2169Social & Behavioral Sciences
Thibault, Rachel
Adjunct Faculty
rachel.thibault@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2416Social & Behavioral Sciences
Thomas, Mary
Adjunct Faculty
mary.thomas@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2005Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Thomas, Tiphani
Adjunct Faculty
tiphani.thomas@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2617Social & Behavioral Science
Thomas, Toulonne
Clerical Asstant III
toulonne.thomas@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6018Health & Safety Sciences
Thompson, Adam
Systems Security Admin
adam.thompson@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6627MH 317
Thompson, Brandon
Adjunct Counselor
brandon.thompson@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2901Counseling & Matriculation
Thompson, Hilda
EOP&S Technician II
hilda.thompson@avc.eduEOPS(661) 722-6300 ext. 6167SSV 258
Thompson, Jacklyn
Tutoring Spclst-Non Instr
jacklyn.thompson@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6048Learning Center
Thompson, Peter
Adjunct Faculty
peter.thompson@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2457Math, Science and Engineering
Thompson, Shannon
Job Placement Spclst
shannon.thompson@avc.eduJob Placement Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6797SSV 171
Thurston, John
Adjunct Faculty
john.thurston@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2249Math, Science and Engineering
Tillman, Regina
Adjunct Faculty
regina.tillman@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 2055Social & Behavioral Sciences / CFE
Tinoco, Jesus
Adjunct Faculty
jesus.tinoco@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2937Language & Communication Arts
Titmus, Jon
Adjunct Faculty
jon.titmus@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2500none
Titov, Dan
Adjunct Faculty
dan.titov@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2352none
Toth, John
john.toth@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6323T300-J
Tran, Michael
michael.tran@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6595UH 120
Traynor, Erin
Coord Career Center
erin.traynor@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 6179SSV 206
Treadwell, Joel
Adjunct Faculty
joel.treadwell@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2410Career Technical Education
Trejo, Raquel
Adjunct Librarian
raquel.trejo@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6862Library
Trice, Cassandra
Supervisor Food Services
cassandra.trice@avc.eduCafeteria Food Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6994Cafeteria
Trimble, Michael
Adjunct Counselor
michael.trimble@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2183Counseling & Matriculation
Tumbaga, Ariel
ariel.tumbaga@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6224MH 211
Uhazy, Leslie
Adjunct Faculty
leslie.uhazy@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2099Math, Science & Engineering
Urbanoski, Angela
Administrative Asst Sr
angela.urbanoski@avc.eduVice President, Student Srvcs(661) 722-6300 ext. 6164A132
Valencia, Hannah
Adjunct Faculty
hannah.valencia@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 2043none
Valiotis, Christos
Interim Director, Innovation & Grants
christos.valiotis@avc.eduPresident's Office(661) 722-6422YH 121A
Vargas, Cindy
cindy.vargas@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6708OF2 114
Vargas, Dawn
Library Tech
dawn.vargas@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6910L 127
Vasquez, Felix
Clerical Assistant III
felix.vasquez@avc.eduDisabled Student Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6197Office for Students with Disabilities
Vaughn, Hayley
Clerical Asst III - H FIscal
hayley.vaughn@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6470Facilities Services
Vaughn, William
william.vaughn@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6479SH 110
Vazquez, Raul
Custodian I
raul.vazquez@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6190Facilities
Velez, Emily
Adjunct Faculty
emily.velez@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2192Social & Behavioral Sciences
Vendro, Leanna
Adjunct Faculty
leanna.vendro@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2479Social & Behavioral Sciences
Vento, John
john.vento@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6494T700-A6
Vera, Jesse
Adjunct Counselor
jesse.vera@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2561SSV 221
Vichengrad, Kirk
Adjunct Faculty
kirk.vichengrad@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2239Arts and Humanities
Vichot, Rhea
rhea.vichot@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6278none
Vidana, Chloe
Tutoring Specialist
chloe.vidana@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6147HUB 119
Videmantay, Tanilo
Adjunct Faculty
tanilo.videmantay@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2907none
Villa, Theresa
Clerical Assistant III
theresa.villa@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6242Enrollment Services SSV Lobby
Villapando, Pavinee
pavinee.villapando@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 6129UH 246
Villarreal, Eduardo
Athletic Turf Mtce Speclst
eduardo.villarreal@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6868Grounds
Villarreal, Wendy
wendy.villarreal@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6092Cashier Office
Virgil, Porsche
porsche.virgil@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6909A 154
Volk, Ann
ann.volk@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6501UH 140
Wakefield, Suzanne
Adjunct Faculty
suzanne.wakefield@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2059none
Walden, Robert
Programmer Analyst
robert.walden@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6715MH 314
Wallace, Andre
Grounds Mtce Worker
andre.wallace@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6713Grounds
Wallace-Leeds, Lydia
Adjunct Faculty
lydia.wallaceleeds@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2398Social & Behavioral Sciences
Waller, Kristi
Library Assistant
kristi.waller@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6921none
Waller, Sylvia
Coord Health Sciences
sylvia.waller@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6865UH 188
Wanko, John
OFC for Stu w/Disabilities
john.wanko@avc.eduDisabled Student Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6162SSV 166
Warda, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
daniel.warda@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2122Language & Communication Arts
Ware, Cynthia
Adjunct Faculty
cynthia.ware@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2338Social & Behavioral Sciences
Watters, Chadney
Adjunct Faculty
chadney.watters@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2360none
Watters, Darren
darren.watters@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 6890UH 142
Watters, Katrina
Adjunct Faculty
katrina.watters@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2538none
Weadock, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
thomas.weadock@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2472Math, Science and Engineering
Webb, Justin
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
justin.webb@avc.eduMens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 6203Gym 114
Weber, John
Computer Service Technician Technology Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6770MH 116
Weeks, Kathi
Adjunct Counselor
kathi.weeks@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2098SSV 221
Weisenberger, Sharon
Adjunct Faculty
sharon.weisenberger@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2072Math, Science and Engineering
Welsch, Alissa
Adjunct Faculty
alissa.welsch@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2124Arts and Humanities
West, Maria
Library OPS & Svcs Coordinator
maria.west@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6219L 127
Whitaker, Kimberly
Multi Media Cntr Tech Asst
kimberly.whitaker@avc.eduInstructional Multimedia Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 6072MH 111
White, Kathleen
Adjunct Faculty
kathleen.white@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2217Social & Behavioral Sciences
Whitener, Ricky
Adjunct Faculty
ricky.whitener@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2246none
Whitson, Tina
Adjunct Faculty
tina.whitson@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2127Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Wiberg, Clark
Adjunct Faculty
clark.wiberg@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2627Math, Science and Engineering
Wiewall, Darcy
darcy.wiewall@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6902UH 232
Wilburn, Murphy
Library Assistant
murphy.wilburn@avc.eduLibrary(661) 722-6300 ext. 6023none
Wiley, Sharmaine
Enrollment Servs Records Tech
sharmaine.wiley@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6043Enrollment Services SSV Lobby
Willett, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
michael.willett@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2430Career Technical Education
Williams, Christine
Adjunct Faculty
christine.williams@avc.eduHealth & Safety Sciences(661) 722-6300 ext. 2666Health & Safety Sciences / Nursing
Williams, Heidi
heidi.williams@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6189YH 121I
Williams, Sheryl
Administrative Asst Sr
sheryl.williams@avc.eduVP of Academic Affair(661) 722-6300 ext. 6102A134
Williams, Tamarah
Adjunct Faculty
tamarah.williams@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2289Social & Behavioral Sciences
Williamson, Alicia
Adjunct Faculty
alicia.williamson@avc.eduLearning Center(661) 722-6300 ext. 2359none
Williamson, David
Assistant Coach Non Instructio
david.williamson@avc.eduMens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2017Kinesiology & Athletics
Williamson, DiCarie
Adjunct Faculty
dicarie.williamson@avc.eduCareer Technical Ed (661) 722-6300 ext. 2455Career Technical Education
Wilmes, Michael
Senior Systems Administrator
michael.wilmes@avc.eduInformation Technology Services(661) 722-6629MH 317
Wilson, Sharon
Adjunct Faculty
sharon.wilson@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2058Social & Behavioral Sciences
Winn, Andrew
Adjunct Faculty
andrew.winn@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2541none
Winn, Jen
Clerical Asst III-Non Instr
jen.winn@avc.eduAeroSp,IND Arts & Applied Tech.Dean(661) 722-6300 ext. 6846EL 135
Wisdom, Cristine
Administrative Assistant
cristine.wisdom@avc.eduStudent Life(661) 722-6300 ext. 6807Student Life
Wolf, Cole
cole.wolf@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 6236YH 221A
Wonnacott, Nathan
Adjunct Faculty
nathan.wonnacott@avc.eduScience (661) 722-6300 ext. 2212Math, Science and Engineering
Worthen Jr, Cecil
Adjunct Faculty
cecil.worthenjr@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2223Social & Behavioral Sciences
Wupperfeld, Ashley
Adjunct Faculty
ashley.wupperfeld@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2350none
Wyatt, Justin
Adjunct Head
justin.wyatt@avc.eduMens Sports(661) 722-6300 ext. 2462none
Yancey, Ryan
Adjunct Faculty
ryan.yancey@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2958Math
Yasar, Mustafa
Adjunct Faculty
mustafa.yasar@avc.eduArts & Humanities (661) 722-6300 ext. 2254Arts & Humanities
YingLing, John
Custodian I
john.yingling@avc.eduFacilities Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6785Custodial
You, Rong
Adjunct Faculty (661) 722-6300 ext. 2484Math, Science and Engineering
Youkhana, Anet
Technical Analyst
anet.youkhana@avc.eduEnrollment Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6126SSV 119
Young, Danny
Adjunct Faculty
danny.young@avc.eduLanguage & Communication Arts (661) 722-6300 ext. 2141Language & Communication Arts
Young, Stephen
Adjunct Faculty
stephen.young@avc.eduBusiness & Comp Studies (661) 722-6300 ext. 2465Social & Behavioral Sciences
Younus, Malik
Adjunct Faculty
malik.younus@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2258Math, Science and Engineering
Zahnter, Richard
Mailroom/Dupl Tech
richard.zahnter@avc.eduBusiness Services(661) 722-6300 ext. 6109MH 126
Zamudio, Sandra
Adjunct Counselor
sandra.zamudio@avc.eduCounseling & Matriculation(661) 722-6300 ext. 2477SSV 221
Zellet, Jennifer
jennifer.zellet@avc.eduPresident's Office(661) 722-6301Administration
Zepeda, Arturo
Adjunct Faculty
arturo.zepeda@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 2332none
Zhang, Jietong
Adjunct Faculty
jietong.zhang@avc.eduMath (661) 722-6300 ext. 2253Math, Science and Engineering
Zhu, Sherri
sherri.zhu@avc.eduSocial & Behavioral Sciences (661) 722-6300 ext. 6007T300-L
Zimmerman, Jill
Dean, Student Health and Wellness
jill.zimmerman@avc.eduStudent Health Services(661) 722-6344T700-D6
Zinner, Tiffani
Instructional Asst-Inst. AERO
tiffani.zinner@avc.eduBach Degree Airframe PPlant (661) 722-6300 ext. 6049Career Technical Education