At Antelope Valley College, students have the opportunity to earn money while working on campus in many departments. In order for a student to be eligible to work, the student must complete the entire Student Worker Hiring process and meet all Academic Eligibility Requirements.
Once the entire process is complete, the student will be interviewed by a department and if offered a student worker position, the student is then eligible for hire, however, student employment is not guaranteed.
All students applying for the Student Worker Program must apply for Financial Aid by completing a FAFSA. Visit the Financial Aid office for more information or if you have any questions.
Working on campus provides various benefits, such as a more flexible schedule than an off campus position. It also provides students the chance to be more involved in campus activities as well as the opportunity to build on-campus relationships with a wider group of people including faculty, staff and administration.
Additional benefits of being a student worker are that the work experience offers an additional tool for learning, offering a more practical hands-on approach than a classroom might. In addition, a student worker job provides work history that can be listed on a student’s resume when looking for full-time work after graduation. This will indicate to a potential employer that you have experience dealing within a structured work environment, having regular hours and working as a team member, therefore being better prepared for the job market.
How Do I Get Started?
If you have not already started the process to becoming a student worker and are interested in working on campus, please contact our office via:
- Email: jpc@avc.edu
- Phone: (661) 722-6358
- By filling out a Student Worker Inquiry Form
- By visiting the Job Placement Center to be scheduled for a student worker orientation. The Job Placement Center is located in the SSV bldg., first floor.
How to Find Current On-Campus Jobs
Most student worker opportunities are posted on College Central Network (this is an assignment in the Job Placement Center canvas course). You may also reach out to different departments on campus, as some may have open positions but have not posted their job yet.
College Central Network (CCN) is our electronic job board, where the student can search for either On or Off campus employment opportunities. Employers can also find students who are looking for work, via the resume the student uploads (this is also an assignment in our canvas course).
AVC Departments & Duties
Not all departments listed are currently hiring, but these Departments typically hire student workers throughout the semester. Also included is a brief description of what student workers do in those departments.