Microsoft will automatically send you a copy of your submitted form response. You will then receive an email approval for the individual service(s) you have been approved. Applications typically get processed within two weeks of submission. However, processing may take a little longer at the beginning of the semester and less time towards the end. If we are in the middle of a current semester, and you are applying for the next semester your application will be reviewed after final grades are posted.
Please email basicneeds@avc.edu to let us know what updates you need.
Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m.
Yes, you can call our office at 661-722-6685. If you reach us after business hours please feel free to leave a voicemail with your name, 900 #, phone number, and reason for calling so we can reach back out to you.
Our office can connect students with various community resources if they are no eligible for our on campus program.
Yes! We accept physical donations at our office located at T100. Please see our Donations section under our Clothing webpage for additional details.
Points are available for those who have received an approval letter for the current semester. Your points are based on your current semester's enrollment.
12+ units = 40 points
9-11 units = 30 points
6-8 units = 20 points