Mission: California Aerospace Technologies Institute of Excellence (CATIE) was established by the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards to meet the expanding aerospace industry needs for technology growth in California’s Antelope Valley and Mojave regions. CATIE facilitates progressive collaboration network platform with the Aerospace Industry, Air Force Research Laboratory, Mojave Air and Space Port, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, and Academic Research Institutions for emerging and advanced technology in space propulsion and responsiveness systems. CATIE will release and explore new innovative technology prospectus and accelerate linking the marketplace community with the aerospace and defense industry.
We promote the Preeminence of the Mojave and Antelope Valley Region’s Aerospace Industry:
Support academic institutions in aerospace research and advanced manufacturing
Support effective public policy at the local, state, and national levels
Facilitate aerospace technology innovation and commercialization
Facilitate growing aerospace business development
CATIE represents leaders in innovative Aerospace Research, Exemplary Education, and Inspirational Outreach
Contact Info
3041 West Ave K, Lancaster, CA 93536
Phone: (661) 722-6447 | Fax: (661) 722-6316