Welcome to Purchasing & Contract Services
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End of Year Deadlines
End of Year is fast approaching. Please click here for a list of 24/25 EOY deadlines for Requisitions, Change Orders, Travel and more.
About Purchasing
Purchasing and Contract Services (PACS), a unit of the Business Services office, is charged with the goal to uphold the public’s trust by obtaining the maximum, cost effective value in procuring goods and services, which supports the District’s educational mission and goals. PACS is responsible for the purchase and distribution of all supplies, equipment and materials, as well as for arranging services and contractual agreements. PACS ensures that requested goods and services are allowable under the established California Constitution Codes and the District's Board Policies and Administrative Procedures. For more information, see Purchasing Guidelines.
Purchase Orders: For any type of service, equipment, material or supplies for the district, an approved Purchase Order (including Board of Trustees approval as applicable per the Requisition Checklist) must be issued in advance authorizing the vendor to fulfill the order. Requests made in the name of the district without an approved Purchase Order, may be considered an obligation of the person making the request and not an obligation of the district (Administrative Policy 6380).
Contracts: Contracts are required for all services performed, such as repairs and maintenance, consultants, services, performers or lecturers, etc. All contracts must be signed by a board authorized representative (as stated in the Organizational Report) and contractor and approved by the Board of Trustees (as applicable) prior to the commencement of any services. If there is a monetary value to a contract, an approved Purchase Order (including Board of Trustees approval as applicable per the Requisition Checklist) must also be in place prior to commencement of services. Please see our Contract Services page for additional information.
PACS also oversees Warehouse Operations, Mailroom/Duplication, and Travel for the District.
Contact Us
Main contact information: 661-722-6310 or purchasing@avc.edu
- Angela Musial, Director, Purchasing & Contracts - angela.musial@avc.edu
- Eileen O'Brien, Buyer Supervisor - eileen.obrien@avc.edu
- Porsche Virgil, Buyer - porsche.virgil@avc.edu
- Veronica Ojeda, Buyer - veronica.ojeda@avc.edu
- Hayley Vaughn, Clerical III - travel@avc.edu
If you have questions on invoices or payments, please contact Accounts Payable, accounts_payable@avc.edu ext. 6309
If you have questions on budgets of FOAPs, please contact your Department's Fiscal Services representative.
Vendor Meeting Requests:
Vendors should schedule an appointment to meet with the Purchasing Department. Routine “courtesy” visits are discouraged as they can disrupt the daily workflow; therefore, vendors without appointments will not be seen. To make an appointment, please call 661-722-6310 or email purchasing@avc.edu.
The Purchasing Department needs to be notified before a vendor contacts personnel in other areas of the College. Please see "Vendor Portal" for more information.