Campus walkway with banners



The First Year Experience (FYE) program exists to support the successful academic and social transition of new students into the Antelope Valley College community.

FYE Summer Newsletter- May 16, 2023

We're Hiring!

Be a Peer Mentor!

Steps to Enrolling at AVC

 Getting Ready! Registration Resources

 Registration Overview (PPT)

 Getting Ready Handout (Printable Checklist)

 Education Planning (PPT)

 Develop Your Schedule (PPT)

 Weekly Time Grid (Printable Template)

 Schedule Planning Sheet (Printable Template)

 Navigating the Schedule of Classes (Video)

How to Register with EduNav 

 Financial Aid & Wellness (PPT)

Are you ready?

Remote/online Resources Available Here!

*EduNav is new and currently in "pilot" operation with limited access for a specified population of students. Not all students have access at this time.

Standard Student Expectations:

  • Join the First Year Experience on Canvas!

  • Enroll as a full-time student, >12 (No withdrawals or repeats) This is required to receive Promise Tuition Assistance

  • Complete a minimum of 24 units in the first year (30 to Finish in 2 years)

  • Enroll in Human Development 101 (Summer, if not, take in Fall)

  •  Actively Participate in the Peer Mentoring program (Minimum of 8 peer mentor meetings per  semester)

  • Visit the Learning Center to participate in Tutoring and other Academic Success Workshops & Activities (Minimum of 4 per semester)

  • Meet with FYE Counselor to complete a Comprehensive Education Plan (ASAP but by the end of you 1st semester)


FYE students will have access to the following benefits:

Connect with us online, using Cranium Cafe for questions and guidance!

FYE Cranium Cafe

Now located in the HUB !


You can sign up for a peer mentor and learn about more connecting with programs, services, and events for success.


Like us on "Facebook": Antelope Valley College FYE   Follow us on "Instagram" @AVC_FYE   Twitter: @avc_fye

Funding provided by California State Initiative AB19  -  Program Initiated with funding from U.S. Department of Education Title V HSI Grant