Duplication Process, Procedures & Forms
The Duplication Center is happy to process Requester's duplication requests electronically or manually. Below please find the processes and procedures for both methods, along with the necessary forms required:
Electronic Method:
Requesters should send an email to copycenter@avc.edu 2 business days before copy job should be completed. For quality assurance, Requesters should include a pdf copy of the filled out Duplication Request Form, or, alternatively, provide the following information in the body of his/her email request:
- Date and time needed by (customarily, 1-2 day turnaround; however, if urgent, please contact one of the Duplication/Mailroom Technicians at ext. 6106 or 6067 to make special arrangements);
- Number of copies;
- Is copy request copyright protected? If yes, Requester must confirm in his/her email that he/she has received the appropriate copyright permission from the publisher prior to submitting the request for duplication;
- Color of paper (White, Gray, Blue, Almond, Pink, Green, Tan, Goldenrod or Yellow);
- Single-sided or double-sided (we recommend double-sided to reduce paper usage);
- Collated and/or stapled;
- If grant funded, what is the department name; and
- Any special instructions.
Manual Method:
Requesters simply need to fill out a Duplication Request Form and submit it to the Duplication Room located in the BE Building 2 business days prior to when copy job should be completed. If request is urgent, please contact one of the Duplication/Mailroom Technicians at ext. 6106 or 6067 to make special arrangements.
For items involving the AVC Logo or that impact the image of the District, Requesters must also fill out a Publication Approval Form for review by the Public Relations Office. Printing projects covered by this form include, but are not limited to:
- Posters and flyers
- Brochures
- Programs for Performances/Events
- Bulk Mailings
- Official Publications and Forms
A copy of the approved Publication Approval Form must be attached to the Duplication Request Form or scanned in as part of Requester’s email (if electronic request submitted).
Palmdale Requests:
- Duplication requests to the Palmdale Center are delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Requesters are able to pick up duplication requests at the Lancaster site as preferred.
- Duplication Request Form updated 12-18-19
- Publication Approval Form