On Campus Supervisors
As a student worker supervisor, you are responsible for the development of the work environment. You must communicate department goals, provide job descriptions, organize assignments and establish expectations for your students. you will also be responsible for training, motivating, communicating with, guiding, evaluating and relating to the students you hire. You should serve as a model for the development of good work habits, such as punctuality, dependability, cooperation, honesty and efficiency. A supervisor's primary responsibility is providing student employees with adequate guidance, training and support. You are responsible for the work that your student workers do. Many students have a great deal of potential but very little work experience. Your patience and support can help them develop that potential and become a valuable asset to the department as they gain important work experience. although it may be difficult to establish a formal training program for student employees, good personnel practices requires that every new student worker or regular employee be oriented to the organization of the specific workplace and be trained to perform necessary tasks.
How Do I Get Started?
College Central Network (CCN) is a free database that the Job Placement Center pays for to assist department supervisors search for and find students looking for On-Campus employment opportunities. You will need to have an account in CCN to post and search for students. Students are also required to register in CCN and upload a resume in order to search for On-Campus jobs.
College Central Network Registration Information:
- Visit www.collegecentral.com/avc.
- Click on "Sign Up".
- Select the "An Employer" option in the "User Type" box and enter your AVC email.
- Click on "Sign Up".
- Fill in all required information, and finally click on "Register".
All new registrations take 2-4 business days to be reviewed, verified and approved.
Once your registration is approved, you will receive an email notifying you that you are approved. You will also be provided with a link to "activate your account" where you will create a password.
Once you have created your password, you will be able to log into your account and post a job.
Posting Your Job:
- Log into your College Central Network account.
- Go To "Job Board" (here you will be able to post, repost, edit, or expire your posting).
- Once you are done with the posting, select "save job posting" at the bottom of the form.
- You'll also have the option to extend your posting, using the "submission deadline" option.
All new postings take 2-4 business days to be reviewed by our staff.
If you have forgotten your password, select "Need Help" then "Forgot your Password?", for help with resetting your password.
Any specifics about funding requirements should be included in the "Other Job Requirements" section of your job posting.
How Do I Find Job Ready Students
Log into your CCN account; there you will be able to search through hundreds of resumes and reach out directly to students. You may also reach out to the Job Placement Center, as we may have a list of students who are 100% complete, are looking for a worksite, and are eligible for hire.
Hire Date vs Start Date
The HIRE date is when you have interviewed the student, have offered the student a job and the student has accepted your job offer.
The START date is when you have submitted an EPAF, and it has been approved by Job Placement.
Note: Please check your EPAF originator queue frequently for the progress of your EPAF(s).
What Funding Do I Use
Section in progress, please check back for updates.
How Do I Know How Much FWS Funds My Student Worker Has?
Once you have submitted a Federal Work Study Employment Authorization form to Financial Aid for the student you are wishing to offer a job to, they will return the form to you with the amount of FWS the student was awarded for the entire school year. If you do not get an email from Financial Aid, please contact the Financial Aid office for a status of the form you submitted.
Note: FWS funds are awarded on a limited basis, and in order that you do not exceed the amount awarded to the student, please make sure you are tracking the amount of hours your student(s) work every month. If you exceed the amount of FWS your student worker was awarded, your department will be responsible for finding funds to continue to pay your student worker.
When Can I Start Working My New Hire?
All potential hires must have completed all Job Placement Center canvas shell requirements, including being livescan cleared by HR before you can submit an EPAF for your new hire.
Once all is complete, you will receive an email from Job Placement letting you know that your student is now eligible for hire.
You are now ready to submit an EPAF for your new hire. It must be approved by Job Placement before your student can officially start working. Check your originator queue frequently for the status of your EPAFS.