At Antelope Valley College we take pride in providing a quality, comprehensive education for a wide variety of learners. We are committed to student success, offering value and opportunity for all members of our community.
AVC was founded in 1929 as a department of Antelope Valley Joint Union High School in Lancaster. Today AVC has a service area of 1,945 square miles with an annual unduplicated headcount of more than 18,000 and employs more than 850 people.
Antelope Valley College is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges/Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC/WASC). AVC’s most recent reaffirmation of accreditation was completed in Spring 2024.
Our Campus
- Accreditation
- Accreditation Steering Committee
- AVC At a Glance
- AVC Community
- AVC's Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Values, and Practices
- Board of Trustees
- California Aerospace Technologies Institute of Excellence (CATIE)
- Campus History
- Campus Organizations & Committees
- District Boundary Map
- Foundation
- Information and Welcome Center
- Institutional Learning Outcomes
- Palmdale Center
- President's Office
- Safety and Security
Organizational Charts
- Academic Affairs
- Administrative Services
- Equity and Student Achievement
- Foundation
- General Counsel
- General Organizational Chart
- Marketing
- People, Culture, Talent & Title IX
- Students Services