Office for Students With Disabilities
Program Description
The OSD program provides support services, specialized instruction, and educational accommodations to students with disabilities so that they can participate as fully and benefit as equitably from the college experience as their non-disabled peers. An Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) is developed for each student which links student’s goals, curriculum program, and academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction to his/her disability related educational limitation.
The mission of the Office for Students With Disabilities (OSD) Program is to provide students with disabilities equal access to education by offering quality support services that directly relate to a student’s limitations as a result of their disability. The OSD Program assists students with their understanding and acceptance of their limitations as a result of their disability and also promotes and fosters independence by teaching students to articulate their needs to AVC instructors and staff. Moreover the OSD Program is committed to the academic success and personal growth of all students with disabilities at AVC.
Eligibility Criteria
The specific disability must be verified, and there must be an educational limitation that precludes the student from fully participating in general education without additional specialized services.
Contact Info:
Email: OSD@avc.edu
Phone: 661-722-6360
Find Out How People With Disabilities Can:
· Find low-cost internet service providers and phone carriers
· Receive certain discounts
· Boost digital literacy
· Use current technology regardless of income and employment status
Guide For People With Disabilities: Programs For Low-Cost Internet, Mobile Plans, And Digital Literacy
Personal Mental Health Counseling Services
Balancing college life with other responsibilities can be difficult.
Make a confidential appointment with a mental health counselor to assist with anxiety, depression, stress management, drug and alcohol awareness, building life enhancement skills and other mental health issues.
Tele-counseling is available Monday - Friday.
If you need help getting connected, or to schedule an appointment, please email Student Health Services at studenthealth@avc.edu.
Please have your AVC Student I.D. 900 number available.
Apply Online for OSD Services:
To apply to OSD to receive disability related services, please complete the following 3 steps:
Step 1. Complete our OSD online application
You must have a valid AVC student ID number and AVC e-mail.
Step 2. Upload your disability verification, such as an Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, Veterans Administration disability rating, a physician or a mental health professional diagnosis.
If you need a disability release form and our OSD disability verification form to take to your physician or mental health professional you can download it here: Release and Verification Form revised 8-28-18.pdf Complete the release form and either bring it or email it, along with the Disability Verification form to your medical care provider. Once they complete the Disability Verification form, upload it to your application.
Step 3. Meet with a Disability Services Specialist for your intake appointment.
After submitting your application and uploading your documents, the OSD Director or a Disability Services Specialist will review your OSD online application and disability verification and an OSD staff member will call you to set up an intake appointment** via Zoom or In Person.
** If there will be others in the room with you during your intake appointment, you will be asked to complete and submit the Privacy Waiver prior to your scheduled appointment. Document can be obtained from OSD Personnel.
If you need any assistance with the application or uploading of documents you can contact us at OSD@avc.edu or 661-722-6360.
The Office for Students With Disabilities encourages students to be as independent and self-reliant as possible. We work closely with each student to assess their needs and provide those support services and accommodations that directly address a student's functional limitations as a result of their disability.
More Information and Forms:
All documents on this page are in PDF format.
OSD Information:
- Evacuation of Disabled- English - Spanish
- OSD Student Responsibilities and Dispute Process
- Disabilities and Means of Verification
- Handicapped Parking
OSD Forms:
- Disability Verification
- Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Program Information
- Release of Information
- Sickle Cell Anemia Information
- Epilepsy Information - Lancaster Campus
- Epilepsy Information - Palmdale Campus
Log Into Your OSD Instructor Portal
Tutorial: Completing OSD's Alternative Testing Agreement
Tutorial: Providing Exams to Alternative Testing Staff
Log Into Your OSD STUDENT Portal
Tutorial: How to Submit an Exam Scheduling Request
Request an OSD Appointment