Campus walkway with banners

Deaf and Hard Of Hearing Services

Accommodations such as Sign Language Interpreters, notetakers, real-time captioning services, Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs), and more are available for qualified students who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Students will need to complete their OSD Intake process and meet with an OSD counselor to determine which accommodations would best serve them. 

It is important that students meet with OSD staff well before the beginning of each semester for assistance with course selection and registration and request interpreters for their classes as far in advance as possible. Student schedule information is necessary to arrange interpreting and/or real-time captioning services. Students are required to sign and comply with AVC's Student Contract for Interpreting Services every semester via their AIM Student Portal when requesting accommodations.

Because the demand for skilled service providers is very high, OSD requires a minimum of three (3) business days prior notice for any interpreting services request. For additional information regarding services available for students who are Deaf or hard of hearing, or to request interpreting services contact:


Harry Pleer, Coordinator - Deaf Services (Interpreter)


Phone: 661.722.6300 ext. 6204


OSD Main Reception


(Voice) 661.722.6360


Faculty Resources

AVC Interpreter Resources