Counseling: Academic and Progress Guidance
Reflect. Improve. Succeed. Excel. (R.I.S.E.) Program
Antelope Valley College has transitioned from terminologies such as "Academic Probation" or "Academic Dismissal" to mitigate the negative connotations and stigma associated with probation within the community college setting. Through the R.I.S.E. Program's student-centered and equity-focused strategies, R.I.S.E. aims to consciously update its language to mirror the institution's commitment to transforming campus culture and emphasizing inclusivity when students do not meet the minimum academic standards outlined in Title V policy. R.I.S.E. provides individual counseling and purposeful workshops to assist students with returning to academic good standing with the college.
Location: Student Services, 2nd Floor, Counseling
Phone: 661-722-6300 ext 6365
Email: rise@avc.edu
Academic Guidance
Formerly known as Academic Probation. A student who has attempted 12 semester units of AVC credit shall be placed on Academic Guidance levels 1, 2, or 3 when the earned GPA in all units attempted at AVC is less than 2.0.
A student is removed from Academic Guidance and returns to Good Standing when the earned GPA in all units attempted at AVC is a 2.0 or higher.
Progress Guidance
Formerly known as Progress Probation. A student who has enrolled in at least 12 semester units of AVC credit is placed on Progress Guidance levels 1, 2, or 3 when the percentage of all units in which a student has enrolled with entries of W, I and NP “grades” reaches or exceeds 50 percent. In other words, having an excess of W, I, NP grades can affect the student completion rate.
A student is removed from Progress Guidance and returns to Good Standing when the percentage of all units in which the student has enrolled and for which entries of W, I, and NP recorded drops below 50 percent.
R.I.S.E. Workshops
R.I.S.E. workshops aim to support students who encounter challenges in maintaining a satisfactory academic/progress standing. The primary objective of these workshops is to analyze students' academic records, assess their academic circumstances, establish SMART goals, and formulate a concrete plan of action. Upon completion of the workshop, students will be equipped with resources, strategies, and guidance to restore their standing within the college.
R.I.S.E. Resources
R.I.S.E. Requirements- Download the new summary of requirements for all students with R.I.S.E. (effective Fall 2024). Note: These details are also provided in the email notifications sent to students.
R.I.S.E. Booklet - The official R.I.S.E. booklet highlights academic policies and the concepts taught in the Human Development HD101-College Life & Management course. It emphasizes essential topics such as time management, the study cycle, setting SMART goals, utilizing campus resources, and other tools aimed at fostering reflection and motivation to enhance academic achievement. Strategies for improving GPA is also emphasized.
AVC Learning Center- Are you looking for extra support or to reinforce what you learned in class? The Learning Center at Sage Hall offers academic support services across all disciplines. Let us help you make the semester a success! In the Learning Center, you can:
- Get peer-tutoring support in small groups, individual in-person or virtual appointments, weekly large group sessions, and even drop in to meet with a tutor!
- Attend a faculty-led workshop in Math, Statistics, Writing, Academic Study Skills, Communication Studies, and Deaf Studies. Please come if you'd like to work with faculty in a smaller group setting for more individualized assistance.
- Check out study items, such as laptops, headphones, media, textbooks, study supplies, and more.
- Just study! We have a large open study space and computer lab so you can study independently or meet here with your study group.
Math Lab- Open Math Lab offers free support for any level of math. You must be enrolled in a math or S.T.E.M. course to use this lab. RISE Learning Center hours requirement may also be completed in the Math Lab.
AVC Resources & Support Programs - List of support resources for students at AVC
Academic-Progress Guidance Level 3 Appeal (The Appeal is now closed for spring 2025 semester and will reopen in a few months for the fall 2025 semester) - Formerly referred to as the Dismissal Appeal, when a student remains on Academic or Progress Guidance status for three consecutive semesters at the college, they are designated as being on Academic or Progress Guidance Level 3. In such instances, the student is mandated to take a one-semester break from enrollment at AVC unless they choose to submit an appeal. Successful appeal submission, with an approval, allows the student to continue their enrollment without the compulsory semester off. The student must fulfill additional R.I.S.E. requirements to advance further.
Reinstatement Petition (The Reinstatement Petition is now closed for spring 2025 semester and will reopen in a few months for the fall 2025 semester) - When a student who returns to AVC, with Academic/Progress Guidance Level 3 standing, they are required to complete this petition prior to enrollment. The student must then fulfill additional R.I.S.E. requirements to advance further.
Review By Dean Petition - When a student intends to enroll in courses exceeding the maximum allowed for the semester, they must submit this petition. This form enables students to seek approval for additional units for the semester.
Petition to Take a Course for the Third Time - A student must receive permission from Admissions and Records to attempt a class for the third time. Complete the "Petition for Extenuating Circumstances" form and return it to Admissions or email it to registration@avc.edu.
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