AVC Arts and Humanities Festival
Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 11 am-5 pm
Join us for our Arts and Humanities Festival in the Fine Arts Quad at Antelope Valley College featuring a celebration of our division offerings and activities including our annual Student Art Exhibition in the AVC Art Gallery.
Cesar Chavez Week
March 27-31, 2023
Join us in celebration a of civil rights leader César Chávez who inspired and influenced millions of Americans through nonviolent protests and actions in the struggle for better pay and safer working conditions for farm workers. César Chávez founded the United Farm Workers of America (UFW) alongside Dolores Huerta, which drew attention to the many agricultural workers who experience inhumane working conditions, and unlivable wages. Chávez led the UFW for more than three decades, achieving fair wages, medical coverage, and pension benefits for hundreds of thousands of farm workers. His commitment to “La Causa” brought hope to workers and Latinos across the Nation — and his fight to impact and uplift the lives of working families continues to inspire and transform communities by addressing social justice issues and essential human needs.
Currents: Public Art Workshops
Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 12-4 pm
Join the artists from the AVC Art Gallery's Currents exhibition for free art making workshops that further explore the desert landscape and the multiple themes of power.
Sun Printing Workshop with Renée Reizman
Participants will learn about cyanotype photography which uses the sun to create photographs of objects using symbols of power, and gathered environmental items found around campus.
Wind Turbine Building Workshop with Dave Martin
Participants will use templates created by artist Dave Martin to build miniature wind turbines which will be photographed in the landscape to explore the infrastructure of the environment.
These workshops are sponsored, in part, by the Lancaster Museum & Public Art Foundation (LMPAF).
Capturing Energy: A Rural Landscape Photography Workshop
Session I: Turbines: Friday, April 29, 2022 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Session II: Solar Farm: Saturday, April 30, 2022 10:30 am- 12:00 pm
Session III: Substation: Saturday, April 30, 2022 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Join Yubo Dong from ofstudio, a Los Angeles photographic studio, and Renee Reizman and interdisciplinary curator, artist, and writer specializing in social practice and civic engagement in Capturing Energy a workshop session designed to engage with the desert infrastructure, and provide new skills and techniques in photography. Works created during the workshops will be included in the upcoming Currents exhibition at Antelope Valley College Art Gallery.
One session per participant
Space is limited
Bring your own camera
Shoots are on location in the rural Antelope Valley desert-transportation not provided.
Contact Renée Reizman at rlreizman@gmail.com to sign up.
Share Your Art that Re-imagines Disability, Mobility, and Freedom
Open call for artwork: April-July 31, 2022.
Opulent Mobility 2022 and the Antelope Valley College Art Gallery challenge you to imagine a world where mobility, disability, and access are not merely functional, but opulent. We accept 2-D and sculptural work, music files, and performances on digital media. The call for art opens April 2022 and the deadline to submit work is July 31. A flat $20 fee covers administrative costs for Opulent Mobility, curated by A. Laura Brody and Anthony Tusler.
Submit your work online at www.opulentmobility.com
Public Reception: Andrea Bersaglieri Dirt, Weeds, Fire: Unearthing a Novel Ecosystem
Free: Saturday, March 26, 2022 from 3-5 pm
Join us for a free public reception of the Dirt, Weeds, Fire: Unearthing a Novel Ecosystem exhibition which brings together a collection of Bersaglieri's watercolor and oil paintings to unearth the contradictions and questions which arise when considering the historical concepts of conservation, and any reversibility towards climate change or a return to a pristine state. The nature studies depict specimens of the Anthropocene era—the period during which humans have had a substantial impact on our planet, and reflect the dirt, weeds, and impacts of local wildfire. The lovingly detailed nature portraits depict the natural world around us, but they also ask us to imagine a novel “futurescape” where new ecosystems mix with the old.
New, Old and Blended Ecosystems: A Conversation about Art and Nature with Andrea Bersaglieri and Charles Hood
Free: March 16, 2022 from 7-8 pm via Zoom: https://avc.zoom.us/j/92846947805?pwd=TlFudXpFa0kvSnNTdWRYMnNYOEhLQT09
In conjunction with the Dirt, Weeds, Fire: Unearthing a Novel Ecosystem exhibition at the AVC Art Gallery, join us for a conversation between artists Andrea Bersaglieri and Charles Hood about new, old, and blended ecosystems. How do depictions of nature investigate, question, and impact our collective understanding of the natural world?
Charles Hood has been an Artist in Residence with the National Science Foundation, the Center for Land Use Interpretation, Playa Arts in Oregon, and the Annenberg Beach House in Santa Monica. He also has been a Research Fellow at the Center for Art + Environment, and he has spoken at the Getty Center, Cambridge University, and the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. His most recent book is titled "Sea Turtles to Sidewinders: A Guide to the Most Fascinating Reptiles and Amphibians of the West." He also has published field guides to birds, mammals, and urban ecology.
Andrea Bersaglieri was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area and came to Southern California to attend California State University, Long Beach where she earned an MFA in Drawing and Painting in 1991. She has also lived, worked and studied in Florence and Rome, Italy and in Philadelphia, PA. Bersaglieri teaches Drawing and Painting at Cerritos College and California State University, Long Beach and exhibits her work throughout California and nationally. She was recently awarded the Davyd Whaley Foundation artist Teacher Grant. Her most recent work deals with our earnest, often misguided attempt to encourage, yet control nature in suburban Los Angeles.
Learning through Nature Journaling: An Interdisciplinary Approach
March 4, 2022 from 9 am-noon at UH201 (Faculty Academy Standard #1)
Science, math, writing, and art are all skills implicit in nature journaling. Journaling is a flexible teaching tool adaptable to many learning styles and disciplines, which can be individualized to student’s abilities (verbal, nonverbal ) and interests. Nature journaling marries objective information such as scientific observations about weather, wildlife, vegetation, cultural and historical information, natural phenomenon, and seasonal changes with personal expression used to document and interpret what is observed. Presenters Zia Nisani, Lena Coleman, and Christine Mugnolo will explore the history of nature journaling in science and how in this day and age of technological disconnect, educators from various disciplines can use journaling to engage students in record keeping, observation, and interpretation that helps students to think more deeply, reflect, infer meaning and draw connections and conclusions from their observations. Please bring material (simple pencil and paper will do) as this presentation has hands on component. Tour the Dirt, Weeds, Fire: Unearthing a Novel Ecosystem exhibition at the end of the event to discover Andrea Bersaglieri's studies of the trees, plants, weeds, and dirt from her yard in an effort to understand what is the role of novel ecosystems?
Paid Internships in the Arts- LA County Department of Arts & Culture AVC Info Session
Free: Friday, February 25, 2022 from 10 am-11 am via Zoom
Interested in gaining paid experience working for a museum or visual arts organization? LA County Department of Arts and Culture connects community college students with arts organizations who have internship opportunities. They have a free event for AVC students on Friday, February 25, 2022 from 10 am-11 am via Zoom. Ask questions, and get ready to apply for the 2022 positions coming in April! Learn more here: https://www.lacountyarts.org/opportunities/arts-internship-program-students/about-arts-internship-program-students
Locating your Past/Launching your Future: the Many Voices of Foster Care in the AV
Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 from 2-6 p.m.
On Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 Antelope Valley College will encourage all current and former members of the foster care community to stop by the Art Gallery between 2 pm and 6 pm. Inside the gallery, a wall-sized map invites you to share your stories—where have you lived, where are you now, where do you hope to go?
Participants of all ages and from all parts of the community are invited to place stickers locating their past and present zip codes on the map, and to share any memories, comments, drawings, hopes, dreams, and experiences in the associated memory book attached to the map. For questions or assistance, please connect with gallery staff at the front desk to hear your stories and guide in the process.
This event is presented by AVC Student Equity as part of the “Terra Cognita: Cartography and Art” exhibition, which uses the shared linguistic codes of cartographers and artists to reflect on space and abstraction, and the line and shape of the map's vocabulary. The works include real and whimsical maps which explore what it means to claim a space as home.
LAtitudes: An Angelino's Atlas- Walking Tour with Charles Hood
Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 11 am - 2 pm
This excursion maps (and explains) all the trees within a half-mile radius of Union Station, with notes on architecture and public art. Free and open to the public-limited enrollment. Please contact the AVC Art Gallery at artgallery@avc.edu for additional details.
Terra Cognita: Cartography and Art- Opening Reception
Wednesday, September 14, 2016 from 7 - 8:30 pm
Free and open to the public.
AVC Student Art Exhibition Opening Reception
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 from 7 - 8:30 pm
Free and open to the public.
Fata Morgana Reception
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 from 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Discussion and book signing with poet Nicelle Davis at 7:15 pm
Nicelle Davis is a California poet, collaborator, and performance artist who walks the desert with her son J.J. in search of owl pellets and rattlesnake skins. Davis’s methods are rooted in cross-media and performance. With each poem written she communicates not only through the by-product of words, but through their arrangement, shape, and the acute dismantling of expectation. Davis teaches us to be with a poem, to join intimately with those stories we tell so that we may reconstruct the myths we create into the lives that we live. Her books The Walled Wife, In the Circus of You and Becoming Judas are available from Red Hen Press and her first book, Circe, is available from Lowbrow Press.
Jasmine Delgado: Mapping Los Angeles Opening Reception
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 from 7 - 8:30 pm
Discussion with artist Jasmine Delgado at 7:15 pm
I G Battalion Spring / Summer 2016 Fashion Show
Friday, September 25, 2015 at 6 pm / Dress code: Formal/Chic
Salamander Adventures Opening Reception
Wednesday, September 30, 7 - 8:30 pm
Discussion with artist Chelsea Kowitz at 7:15 pm
1 hr FPD credit available, Standard #2