Antelope Valley College
CalWORKs Childcare Information
If you are a CalWORKs or Low income student needing child care assistance or need enrollment verification forms for child care, here is information just for you!
Does the Antelope Valley CalWORKs Program offer child care assistance?
If you are a CalWORKs or Low Income student child care is available through the Childcare Resource Center.
What is the Child Care Resource Center? And what services are offered?
The Childcare Resource Center (CCRC) is a Resource & Referral Program
CCRC assists parents who are seeking child care and development services. The agency provides parents with information regarding child care and development centers, licensed family child care homes, and after school enrichment programs.
How do you find Quality Child Care?
CCRC educates parents on how to select the best child care for their family’s need. They offer parents free, personalized referrals to licensed child care providers, along with a Keys to Quality Child Care guide to inform them on what quality child care looks like.
Does CCRC Assist with funding for child care?
Yes, Working families often struggle to make ends meet and, for many families, child care is out of reach because of the cost. CCRC offers financial assistance, or subsidy programs to qualifying families on a non-discriminatory basis. In order to be eligible, parents must have a qualifying need for child care, such as working or going to school.
What if I am not a CalWORKs Recipient, and need assistance with childcare?
Alternative Payment Programs (APPs), funded by California Department of Education (CDE), are for parents who have never received cash aid, CCRC’s Alternative Payments program is available. In order to qualify, a parent must meet income guidelines and have a current need for child care. As funding for this program becomes available, the most eligible families receive services through an internal ranking system.
How do I contact the Child Care Resource Center?
CCRC can be contacted at (661) 789-1200
If my Child Care is funded through CCRC how does Antelope Valley College CalWORKs Program Assist me?
The Antelope Valley CalWORKs Program is a support network for our students, along with the many other services we provide, our program works in concert with the Child Care Resource Center(CCRC) to support both CalWORKs and low income student parents receiving valued services from CCRC by completing enrollment verification forms and progress reports, to verify enrollment in college courses and progress report forms to verify adequate progress.
What do I need to do to have a form completed?
Once you have enrolled in courses at Antelope Valley College and received your CCRC Training Verification form from your CCRC case manager, please email the your form to me pford@avc.edu, and include the following information in your email:
* Student ID#: 900 -___-___
* Your email address
* CCRC Case managers email address
Upon receipt of this information, your Training Verification form and/or CCRC Progress Report, will be completed and emailed to your child care case manager.

How often do these forms have to be completed?
CCRC training verification forms must be completed once each semester, unless your case manager requires an additional form to be completed because you have added or dropped a class or for recertification purposes.
If you have additional questions please contact Pamela Ford:
Phone Number: (661) 722-6300 Ext. 6266
E-Mail: pford@avc.edu