Campus walkway with banners

Academic Honesty Policy -- Plagiarism and Cheating:

Violation of the Academic Honesty Policy: Dishonesty, including but not limited to, cheating, or plagiarism.  Plagiarism-from the Latin word for “kidnap” ---involves using another’s work without giving proper credit, whether done accidentally or on purpose.  This includes not only words and ideas, but also graphs, artwork, music, maps, statistics, diagrams, scientific data, software, films, videos and the like.  Plagiarism is plagiarism whether the material is from published or unpublished sources.  It does not matter whether ideas are stolen, bought, downloaded from the Internet, or written for the student by someone else-it is still plagiarism.  Even if only bits and pieces of other sources are used, or outside sources reworded, they must still be cited.  To avoid problems, students should cite any source(s) and check with the instructor before submitting an assignment or project.  Students are always responsible for any plagiarism in their work.  An instructor who determines that a student has cheated or plagiarized has the right to give an “F” grade, or the numerical equivalent, for the assignment or examination only.  You cannot drop the student from class or fail them from the class for a single violation of the Academic Honesty Policy. 

For detailed information on Antelope Valley College’s Academic Honesty Policy and plagiarism, please click here.

To submit a report for a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy, please: