[Contact the AVC STEM Program for support]
Classwork Assistance/Study Sessions
MESA Center (UH 272) Open hours: 8am - 6pm Monday - Thursday and 8 - 11:30am Fridays
Math Lab (YH 158) open hours Monday-Thursday 7:30 am - 5 pm, Friday 7:30 - 11:30am am (math work assistance available on-site)
MESA Workshop / STEM Lab (YH 115) Open hours TBD
If taking online classes, please review the Chancellors office 'Organizing for Online Success' videos
Click any ► below for more information!
HBCU Scholarship now open for California Community College students
The Hoffman Agency’s HBCU scholarship for CCC students who plan to attend a partner HBCU to study communications (or a related field such as journalism, mass communications, public relations or English) is now open for applications. The goal of offering this scholarship is to advance diversity across the overall communications profession. The scholarship pays tuition and fees for a student’s junior and senior year (two years) at a partner HBCU. You can find the details on our site, which includes an application form to upload.On Wednesday, October 16 at 11:30am PT, we will also be hosting an info session for students and faculty where we’ll explain the scholarship process for those who would like to learn more. We do realize that some students are planning HBCU tours so this information may come in handy. We hope that you and your students will be able to attend. Dr. Helen Young, Assistant Project Director for California Community Colleges Transfer Guarantee Pathway Agreement to HBCU, who we partnered closely in the development of this scholarship will also be joining this session. To secure a spot at our info session, please RSVP here.
For students who are unsure what a career in the communications field would look like or how rewarding it can be, we invite you/them to watch the recording of a webinar we hosted last year with HBCU graduates where they shared their career journeys in the communications field. The closing date for applications is March 14, 2025.Cal-HBCU Transfer Grant
In partnership with the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), the Cal-HBCU Transfer Grant (Cal-HBCU) Program Website, awards up to $5,000 to participating students who transfer:To apply for the program, a completed application must be submitted to the Cal-HBCU Team at CalHBCU@csac.ca.gov.
- from California Community Colleges
- to eligible, partnered Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
The application for the program is now open! Please see the application and website, linked below:
- The application deadline for the Fall 2024-25 Term is August 26, 2024.
- The application deadline for the Spring 2024-25 Term is January 31, 2025.
HACU Scholarship Program (info and application here)
To be eligible to apply for HACU Scholarships, applicants must meet the following HACU Scholarship Program criteria listed below. Current College or University Students:There are currently three scholarship opportunities with a November 1, 2024 deadline.
- Are currently enrolled at a HACU-member institution [AVC is a member institution];
- Have graduated from a high school or have earned a high school equivalency diploma in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or outside of the U.S.;
- Have completed your first-semester of college at a HACU-member institution;
- Intend to enroll at a HACU-member institution in the Fall 2024 semester/term of the 2024-2025 academic year.
- If you are transferring institutions, the institution must also be HACU-member to be eligible to apply; for the most up-to-date listing of HACU-member institutions, Please Click Here.
- Demonstrate financial need if required by the scholarship sponsor, typically determined by the FAFSA application or State/Institutional Aid application (non-citizen students who are not eligible to complete the FAFSA).
Applications are now open for our 2024-2025 Mentorship Program
MESA students are encouraged to apply for this year’s Mentorship Program. This is a great opportunity to be matched with a mentor from one of four companies that can provide guidance and advice for your career journey in STEM. The program lasts 6 months starting in Fall 2024 and you will meet with your mentor virtually at least once a month. An info session will be held Thursday, 9/12 at 12pm so you can learn more and ask questions.
- Deadline: 9/20 for Community College
- Info Session: Sept 12 from 12-1pm via Zoom – https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/97225430363
- Companies: Cisco, PG&E, Western Digital, Campos EPC
- Students must be 18+ to participate.
Internships & Summer Research
Read this before applying to internships.
NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS)
- U.S. Citizenship
- High school graduate or equivalent
- At least 18 years of age by beginning of Mission 1: Discover.
- Currently attend a U.S. community college
- Completion or concurrent enrollment of 9+ college credits of STEM coursework
- Able to commit to a 5-week online session
- Internet access
- Have not previously participated in NCAS
- The next application period will open in October 2024; check https://www.nasa.gov/learning-resources/nasa-community-college-aerospac… to apply
The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) Program is accepting applications for the Spring 2025 term (information here)
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Scholars Program Opens October
Interns gain valuable hands-on experiences working with full-time AFRL scientists and engineers on cutting-edge research and technology and are able to contribute to unique, research-based projects.Use this link to access information: https://afrlscholars.usra.edu/
- Application Requirements:
- Current undergraduate student or upper-level high school students
- Pursuing a STEM degree
- Resume
- transcripts (unofficial okay)
- Recommendations
NASA Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) paid internships (explore the pages)
National Science Foundation REU opportunities: view page (via Cañada College)