Mentor Teacher Program: Dennis Hosack
My name is Dennis Hosack and started my educational goals in 2001 by entering my first class at Antelope Valley College. I completed my course work in 2008 and graduating with my AA in Early Childhood Education. In 2010 I completed by Bachelors degree at Brandman University in Liberal Studies. I have been employed with the Palmdale School District Head Start Program for the past 10 years in a range of duties with the last 5 years in a teaching position. I have and continue to participate in the California Early Childhood Mentor Teacher Program for the last several years and have had a wonderful experience working and mentoring with upcoming teachers in the field of early childhood. It has also provided a great educational experience for me, and has kept me abreast of the current trends of teaching our young children.
I am proud to work with young children and engage them in language, literacy, mathematics, learn concepts in social-emotional development/skills and to contribute significantly to young children’s readiness for school. It is important to create a nourishing classroom culture as well as providing a rich environment with both curriculum and materials. It is my personal philosophy to value children and their families to create an exceptional learning experience.